The Little Homoeopathic Seminars
The Little Homoeopathic Seminars
Course Module One, The Foundation of Homoeopathy
Date: TBA - 2023

This course is scheduled for 2023. Please sign up if you are interested and we will keep you updated.
The seminars are based on Samuel Hahnemann’s Organon of the Healing Art. In aphorism 3 of his masterpiece the Founder provides his schema for his teachings on Homoeopathy. These are the 3 Knowledges: Knowledge of disease; Knowledge of medicines; Knowledge of the selection of remedies, posology and case management including repetition. This is followed by the removal of obstacles to the cure. If the practitioner clearly perceives this knowledge, they are a true healing artist.
The Little Homoeopathic Seminars are a series of classes that will be presented online in self-contained modules. Each module will be based on the above fourfold foundation. These are:
- History and Philosophy of Practice (disease indications)
- Materia Medica and Repertory (medicinal indications)
- Case taking, Posology and Case Management (indicated remedies)
- Diet, Regimen and the Complementary Healing Arts (removing obstacles to the cure)
The textbook for the course is The Homoeopathic Compendium, Volumes 1 to 6. We recommend that students have a copy of this textbook but it is not a requirement. The Compendium will be available at a discount price for class members at Participants also need a copy of the 6th edition of the Organon by Samuel Hahnemann.
Course Module One, The Foundation of Homoeopathy
Part 1: Knowledge of Disease
- The Introduction to the Organon
- Individual and Collective Disease (e.g., miasms)
- Causation, Symptoms, Constitution and Temperament
- Diseases of Civilization
Part 2: Knowledge of Medicinal Powers
- The Study of the Materia Medica
- The Study of the Repertory
Part 3: Knowledge of the Selection of Remedies
- The Study of Case Taking
- The Study of Posology of the C and L-M (Q) Potency
- The Study of Case Management
Part 4: Knowledge of the Removal of Obstacles to the Cure
- Diet and Articles to be Avoided
- The Right Way to Take the Remedy
- Regimen and Lifestyle
- Complementary Healing Arts
We hope you will join us on our spiral journey through the 7 levels of Homoeopathy and help us uncover the lost teachings of Samuel Hahnemann. We will search for the hidden gems found in Hahnemann’s six editions of the Organon, Chronic Diseases, Lesser Writings, personal letters and German and Paris casebooks. Together we will review all this classical material and bring it up to date for our times. We also will study the contributions of each generation of homeopaths and review modern methods.
For as Constantine Hering said; “It is the duty of all of us to go further in the theory and practice of Homœopathy than Hahnemann has done. We ought to seek the truth which is before us and forsake the errors of the past”. He goes on to say woe unto those who personally attack the Founder for “Hahnemann was a great savant, inquirer, and discoverer; he was as true a man, without falsity, candid and open as a child, and inspired with pure benevolence and with a holy zeal for science.”
Homoeopathy is De Medicina Futura!