Little Talk Podcasts

David Little presents a new series of podcasts on homeopathy based on his 50 years of experience. Our goal is to contribute to education in homeopathy and the complementary healing arts.​

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34 Mins | September 10th, 2022

Episode: 1

Q and A with David Little

We hope you enjoy our first episode of Q and A. These questions were asked during David Little's interview with Kim Elia on Whole Health Now. The subjects include remedy actions, the C and L-M (Q) potency and case management.

Full Interview with David Little on Whole Health Now

Special Episode

85 Mins | August 28th, 2022

Episode: 7

Hahnemann's Advanced Methods

Posology and Case Management

In the final episode of this series of podcasts, David explains Hahnemann's Advanced Methods and the art of posology and case management. This middle path approach focuses on the 5th and 6th Organon and the proper method of using the single dose and the repetition of the remedy to speed the cure. We discuss the use of the Centesimal and 50 Millesimal potency in the medicinal solution and the split dose. This discourse covers the 5 vital principles and the 5 remedy reactions with their countermeasures to regularize the vital force. These first principles offer a unified field theory that makes Homeopathy the Medicine of the Future.

Episode: 6

The Origin of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica (Part 1)

Episode 6 is a commentary on Samuel Hahnemann's Preface to the Materia Medica Pura. This was the time of The First Provers Union when the Founder gathered around him an enthusiastic group of young students. We discuss his work as a chemist and his preparation of the plant and mineral remedies. After this we review the vitalist action-reaction model and its relationship to the 4 checks and balances and the 5 types of remedy reactions.

Episode: 5

Hahnemann the Great Reformer (Continued)

Podcast 5 discusses Hahnemann's reforms in the field of mental health and introduces the homeopathic treatment of psychological disorders. It also discusses the first proving and the origins of the pure materia medica. These breakthroughs are followed by the first edition of the Organon (1810) in which Hahnemann unfolds his vision of a new medicine. This includes his teachings on the constitutional view, individualized treatment and the homeopathic classification of disease.

Episode: 4

Hahnemann the Great Reformer

Early in his career, Hahnemann renounced the Old School of medicine and began his search for a new approach. This podcast examines his groundbreaking work in the field of public health and hygiene. Then we bring his teachings on diseases of civilization up to date by reviewing modern problems such as climate change, pollution and toxins and their homoeopathic solutions.

Episode: 3

The Threefold Vision

Podcast 3 discusses the trinity of homeopathic studies; philosophy, reference works and case management. It reviews the functional polarities of Nature and human beings and the instinctive, autonomic vital force and the reason-gifted mind. We examine the early homoeopathic paradigm as found in the Medicine of Experience and explain the 3 knowledges; knowledge of diseases, knowledge of medicines and their employment. The podcast ends with a summary of the last 3 episodes.

Episode: 2

Vitalists versus Mechanists

This podcast discusses the differences between the vitalist and mechanist schools of healing. It elucidates Hahnemann's two maxims of experience and the actions of similar and dissimilar remedies on the vital force. This presentation offers information on suppression versus cure and medically caused diseases.

Episode: 1

The Highest and Only Calling

Commentary on Hahnemann's Organon Aphorism 1. In this episode, we discuss the ethics of the healing arts and define vital principles like the essential nature of phenomena and the origins of disease (causation).


This is a special podcast of the first Interview with David Little. Find out about David's lifelong journey into Homoeopathy.

Interview with David Little Part: 1
The Living Organon
Interview with David Little Part: 2
Hahnemann's Clinical Methods


Homoeopathic Compendium Talk #1
Hahnemann Renounces Orthodox Medicine and His First Proving
Homoeopathic Compendium Talk #2
4 Stages of Case Taking
Homoeopathic Compendium Talk #3
Common and Characteristic Symptoms
Homoeopathic Compendium Talk #4
The Sensitivity Scale
Homoeopathic Compendium Talk #5
Interactive Case Taking
Homoeopathic Compendium Talk #6
Vital Principles: Dynamism
Homoeopathic Compendium Talk #7
The Vital Force-Action Reaction Model
Homoeopathic Compendium Talk #8
Constitution-The Hippocratic Approach
Homoeopathic Compendium Talk #9
Constitution-The 4 Classical Temperaments
Homoeopathic Compendium Talk #10
Constitution and Temperament in Hahnemann’s Writings
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