H.O.E. Course Archives

Homeopathic Online Education archives are still available. We will be offering them at a special discount along with purchase of The Homoeopathic Compendium. Instead of the normal sale price of $350 you can buy the complete Course Archives for only $150.  This will give you access to all the course archives; there will be no personal guidance or replies to questions. We will not provide certificates of completion or credit members with hours spent studying the course material.

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We do feel that The Homeopathic Compendium is different from as well as complementary to the H.O.E course. The Compendium is updated, polished and contains significant information and new research that is not in the course archives. The course archives are laid out differently in lesson form and also contain email archives of communications between David Little and other members of the original course many who are teachers in their own right.


Homoeopathic Online Education Course archives provides practical instructions on administering the medicinal solution of the C and LM potency as well as explaining the case management procedures associated with 5th and 6th editions of the Organon. The syllabus for H.O.E. course archives are based on the following schematic theme.



Following in the tradition of The Organon of the Healing Art , Volume I begins with an extensive study of medical history and reviews the Pythagorean philosophies, Hippocratic canon, Galen works, and the development of the Vitalist and mechanistic teachings up to the time of Hahnemann. On this basis the methodology of the 4th, 5th and 6th Organon are elucidated with special emphasis on the consummate methods of Hahnemanns Paris years. This volume is based on The Organon, The Chronic Diseases, The Lesser Writings, eyewitness accounts, personal letters, and Hahnemann’s Paris casebooks (1835-1843), and reconstructs The Founder’s most definitive teachings. An extensive clinical trial spanning 12 years provides ample case histories which demonstrate various areas of case management with the new posology methods. This text provides practical instruction in the use of the medicinal solutions and the methods of adjusting the dose for both the Centesimal and LM potency. This is a wonderful guidebook for the transition from the traditional 4th Organon approach to the new methods of the 5th and 6th editions. It also offers those with expertise a concise manual for clinical applications of the C & LM potency in medicinal solutions.

Refer Hahnemann’s Advanced Methods by David Little @simillimum.com


This volume is an extensive study of constitution, temperament, inheritance, predisposition, susceptibility and proximate causation. This volume provides data from Hahnemann’s writings and Paris casebooks which demonstrate that The Founder studied Hippocratic temperaments (e.g. choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine, nervous melancholic, bilious, leuco-phlegmatic, etc.), diathetic constitutions (e.g. lymphatic, nervous, hysterical, scrofulous, venous, etc.) and miasmic dyscrasia (e.g. psoric, sycotic, pseudopsoric, syphilitic). Volume II explains the Hippocratic teachings on constitution in the tradition of the homoeopathic materia medica. Ample rubrics from classical materia medica are used to teach Hahnemann’s original constitutional system bringing it up to date with contemporary material.

Volume II offers a detailed study of the Pythagoreans, Hippocrates, the Mappa Mundi, the five elements, 4 humours, Hippocratic temperaments, diathetic constitutions which is most inspiring as well as practical in the clinic. It presents a review of the science of physiognomy and the constitutional systems of Hippocrates, Hahnemann, Hering, Von Grauvogl, Pavlov, Halle, Rostan, Carus, Jurst, Danielopolu, Sheldon and Jung. This text includes repertory and materia medica additions for the Hippocratic temperaments, predisposition, diathetic constitutions, and stages of life found throughout lesser-known classical sources. Volume II is the outcome of a 10 years homoeopathic field study of constitution, temperament and physiognomy carried out by the author.

Refer Constitution and Temperament In Hahnemannian Homoeopathy by David Little @simillimum.com


This is the most extensive study of the aetiological and miasmic doctrine of Homoeopathy ever published. It starts with a review of Hahnemann’s, The Chronic Diseases, and concludes with a study of modern pathology through the paradigm of homoeopathic philosophy. All the symptoms of each miasmic syndrome are recorded in alphabetical order for easy cross-reference. Each section contains a detailed description of the miasmic processes in their primary, latent and secondary states. Our study begins with the three stages of psora, sycosis, pseudopsora (TB), syphilis, AIDS and Vaccinosis, and ends with mixed miasms and cancer. This volume covers the original symptom pictures and brings them up to date with contemporary constitutional portraits. Trustworthy repertory and materia medica rubrics have been constructed for addition to reference books and computers. Volume I & II are deeply interrelated as their commentaries form a synergy of data on constitutional, temperament, predisposition, aetiology, miasms and chronic diseases. This volume forms the basis of the theory of the miasms in classical chronic treatment.
Refer Miasms in Classical Homoeopathy by David Little @simillimum.com


“As long as humanity has existed, people have been exposed, individually and collectively, to illnesses of physical and moral causes” (the first sentence of the Introduction of the Organon).

As long as humanity has existed they have suffered from collective and individual diseases of mental and physical causes. On this basis Hahnemann developed a twin case taking method, the individual and group anamnesis. The individual case taking method is applied to cases that have multiple causations and unique symptoms. The collective case taking method is applied to diseases of common cause and similar symptoms affecting a homogeneous group. This remedy is used when a strong collective cause like the chronic miasms dominates the vital force. Volume IV expands on the information introduced in volumes I, II & III and brings it to completion through practical clinical applications. Hahnemann introduced five major case analysis strategies depending on whether the disease was collective or individual in nature. The chronic disease gestalt remedy, the acute intercurrent, the anti miasmic remedy, the chronic intercurrent, and homoeoprophylaxis. In this way it is possible to treat the case with multiple causes and unique symptoms (aph.153) and a homogenous group suffering from diseases of common origin and similar symptoms (aph.101, 102, 103)

The Five Strategies of Hahnemannian Homoeopathy

1.The remedy for the chronic disease Gestalt (aph 153). In disorders of multiple causation and unique symptom patterns the chronic disease remedy forms the foundation of treatment. This simillimum is chosen by the proximate causes, the physical constitution, intellectual and emotional character, predispositions, the inherited miasms, the totality of the signs, coincidental befallments and symptoms.

2. The acute intercurrent remedy (acute crisis -The Chronic Diseases, page 224-230 ).This remedy is suitable for disruptions of the chronic cure by acute acerbation of the chronic miasms, virulent acute miasms, and pathological crisis. The acute intercurrent is chosen by the exciting cause and active symptoms of the acute syndrome rather then the chronic symptoms and their fundamental causes. In this way acute remedies become complementary to chronic treatment rather than disrupting the natural patterns of cure.

The acute genus epidemic remedy (aph.101, 102) is also an acute intercurrent. The genus remedies are used in diseases of common cause and similar symptoms, which affect a homogeneous group of individuals. .The totality of the signs and symptoms of all sufferers provides a specific group of remedies for the genus disorder. This can be used with traumas, acute miasms, endemic environmental disorders, and exposures that affect a homogeneous group.

3. The anti miasmic remedy (chronic miasms-aph. 83, 103). The chronic genus remedy is chosen by the fundamental cause, the chronic miasms, and the nature of the signs and symptoms. The anti-miasmic remedies are found by making a group anamnesis many chronic suffering the same miasm. The group anamnesis reveals the collective disease gestalt of the miasms so that the most similar group anti-miasmic remedies can be found (aph 103). The totality of the signs and symptoms of the individual patient (aph 83) lead to the personal remedy within the collective miasmic genus group. These are the essential methods used to treat the universal miasms, psora, pseudopsora, sycosis and syphilis, as well as miasms new to the human species such as HIV/AIDS.

4. The chronic intercurrent remedy. In the Chronic Disease (1828) and the 5th Organon (1833) Hahnemann introduced the chronic intercurrent remedy This intercurrent remedy is useful in miasms, suppressions and obstacles to the cure. Constantine Hering developed the use of nosodes as chronic intercurrents during the lifetime of Samuel Hahnemann. The chronic intercurrent remedy is used when a miasmic layer represses the complete symptoms and obstructs the action of the chronic remedies. These remedies are chosen by the nature of the miasms, suppressions, and iatrogenesis, as well as the unique symptoms of the nosodes and genus group remedies.

5. Homoeoprophylaxis. The use of homoeopathic remedies to prevent disease was introduced in the Organon. This is another way to use the group case taking method and the acute and chronic genus remedies. Hering introduced the use of nosodes to prevent diseases in the 1830s.

Life if unpredictable and anything may happen during the a course of treatment. The fivefold strategy provides a flexible system of response that can respond to any situation. This method provides the means to treat physical and emotional traumas, acute crisis, acute miasms, poisonings, chronic miasms, suppressions, iatrogenic diseases, complex disorders, one-sided cases, pathological crisis and terminal cases. Our course is directed at giving homoeopathic practitioners all of the practical tools to put this information into practice.

Our course includes extensive chapters on constitution, temperament, predisposition, diathesis, miasms, suppression, iatrogenesis, complex diseases and obstructions to the cure. The chapters on the Repertory elucidate the works of Hahnemann, Boenninghausen, Knerr, Kent, Boger and Phatak. The archive presents lessons in installments and parallel class discussions that review case management, repertory and materia medica. A special emphasis has been made to integrate this classic material with contemporary homoeopathic practice and bring all the material up to date.


It is very hard to study the materia medica in a linear fashion from A to Z. The best method of study is to assess groups of similar remedies and make comparisons and differentials out of their symptoms. Mother Nature has offered her students the most advance system of natural classification. This is the Three Kingdoms, the mineral, plant and animal worlds. For example, the botanical remedy, Belladonna, is the a Dicotyledon (subdivision of the angiosperms- plants with a seed in a womb.) It is a member of the Splaniflorae group of which Solanaceae, Convolvulaceae, Ploemoniaceae, and Hydophllaceae are members. Bell is in the Solanaceae (Nightshade) family. Now if you want to compare remedies with Belladonna, the best place to start is with the Solanaceae family, which includes 29 homoeopathic remedies.

The best proven remedies of the Solanaceae family are Bell., Caps., Dulc., Hyos. Lycps., Stram and Tab. There is little doubt about the similar and differential rubrics of Bell., Hyos and Stram as they are often compared. These three remedies are known to share many symptoms because they are the most recognizable of the Solanaceae remedies. The same types of symptoms are found in Dulc., Caps and Tab, as well as smaller remedies like Atro., Dat-a., Dat-m., Dat-s., Dubin., Sol-n., etc.. The homoeopath should study the symptom picture of the Solanaceae family and then each remedy within it by starting with the polychrest and moving to the smaller remedies.

When a homoeopath learns the characteristic symptoms of Dicotyledon subdivision, the Splaniflorae order, and the Solanaceae family, they have the keys to various genus amd species. The genus families tend to revolve around well known polychrests in groups. As we have seen with the Solanaceae family the most used remedies are the polychrest, Bell, Hyos, Stram. If the homoeopath understand the characteristic symptoms of the Solanaceae family they can then review the symptoms of species within the family.

This is a grand key to understanding the relationships of the polychrest to the lesser-known remedies. When a case reminds one of Stram the vital force may actually be demonstrating the picture of the Solanaceae Family (Nightshades) . There are 29 other homogeneous remedies in this family that are similar. On a closer study of the comparative rubrics of the Solanaceae family, the homeopath may find that the lesser known remedy, Solanum Nigrum, the Black Nightshade, is the simillimum. This is one of the best ways to study the comparative materia medica.