Homoeopathic Compendium
Volume VI : Materia Medica of Psyche and Soma
Key Subjects
- A unique materia medica which offers a contemporary psychological approach combined with traditional signs and symptoms.

Volume VI : Materia Medica of Psyche and Soma is a unique materia medica which offers a contemporary psychological approach combined with traditional signs and symptoms. The information includes original material from the constitutional and psychological studies in Volume V as well as a wide variety of classic repertory and materia medica sources.
Each remedy picture is presented in thirteen parts which cover all the facets of the mental, general and physical symptoms in a form suitable for easy reference. The sections are arranged in the following order:
Introduction; Images and Archetypes; Well Adapted To (constitution, temperament, gender etc.); Suited To (personality disorders); Miasms; Ailments From; Mind; Delusions; Dreams; Physical Concomitants; Grand Sensations; Sensations As If; Modalities.
The organization of the material is designed to build up a coherent picture by grouping together many pieces of information into similar themes. This approach reveals the underlying patterns and distinctive characteristics that make up the essential nature of each individual remedy.
The “Mind” sections form a central part of the study and demonstrate these innovative methods. The section begins with current psychological categories as described in Volume V. This is followed by a Jungian analysis which describes the persona, shadow, anima/animus and unconscious, combining author’s commentary with symptoms from classical material medica. There is a review which highlights the essential delusions, dreams and sensations. The next paragraphs give detailed pictures of specific psychological states, e.g., melancholia, hysteria etc., which are characteristic of the remedy. The final paragraphs are a collection of symptoms under “Anxiety” and “Fear, paranoia and phobias” which are arranged in themes
The Materia Medica of Psyche and Soma gives a fresh insight into familiar homoeopathic medicines and their relationship to the human psyche. The text describes the metaphysical dilemmas, intellectual confusion and emotional conflicts of patients as well as their concomitant physical and general symptoms.
Volume VI — Materia Medica of Psyche and Soma provides the practitioner with a textbook that offers contemporary psychological information as well as traditional signs and symptoms. Volume VI includes the information introduced in Volume V— Constitution, Temperament and Maps of Consciousness in a form suitable for clinical reference. This work describes the metaphysical dilemmas, intellectual confusion and emotional conflicts of patients as well as their concomitant physical symptoms. The main sources of information are Hahnemann, Boenninghausen, Hering, Jahr, Knerr, Lippe, T. F. Allen, H. C. Allen, Clarke, Gurnsey, Boericke, Lilianthal, Kent, Nash, Boger, Roberts, Zandvoort et al. Materia Medica of Psyche and Soma draws on both the repertory and materia medica as sources for potential rubrics. The gradation of symptoms was a difficult task because the original authors tended to use different systems. For example, Clarke used one degree, Boericke used two, Kent used three and Hering used five, etc. There are cases where the same symptom is graded differently by Hahnemann, Hering, Knerr, Kent, T. F. Allen, etc. For this reason, the symptoms are graded one (plain type), two (italics) and Three (Bolds) according to the author’s discretion. In the following pages the remedy, Pulsatilla, is used as an example to guide the reader through the structure and contents of this manual. Introduction The main heading presents the Latin name and its abbreviation followed by the common name and natural classification or family. This is followed by the introduction, which contains information on the derivation of the Latin and common names and data on the remedy’s botanical, chemical or zoological characteristics. It also includes references to history, folklore and mythology that may be related to the remedy’s name, appearance, growth pattern, habitat, etc. This information offers scientific insights as well as archetypal relationships elucidated by the doctrine of similar correspondences.
The classical Pulsatilla patient is gentle, changeable and easily moved to tears as they are Venusian by nature. This remedy suits phlegmatic persons, especially those with blond hair and blue eyes who are frequently found in northern Europe where this plant grows abundantly. The derivation of the word, Pulsatilla (pellere), means to drive or shake. This is analogous to those who are easily shaken by the winds of emotions and so impressionable that they are swayed in every direction by external influences. The plant’s blue and purple colors are reminiscent of those that suffer melancholia and easily get the “blues”. These associations offer insights into the remedy’s essential nature and serve as mnemonics that help one remember characteristic symptoms. The introduction ends with the remedy family and complements. Images and Archetypes This segment presents the similes, imagery, symbols and metaphors that offer a deeper glimpse of the psyche of the patient. This includes the four male and four female archetypes, anima-animus relationships and other aspects of Jungian psychology.Pulsatilla Pratensis | Puls.
Wind Flower, Ranunculaceae Pulsatilla, the meadow anemone, grows in the cool, grassy fields of central and northern Europe. The name, Pulsatilla is derived from the Latin, pellere, to drive or to shake, in reference to how easily the flowers move in the wind and pratensis means “of the meadows”. The flower is called nigricans on account of the dark color of its petals, which vary from blue to purple. The active principle of anemone is an alkaloid, “anemonine,” somewhat analogous to camphor; it crystallizes in white flakes, is easily pulverizable; inodorous except when evaporated; it then emits a pungent and penetrating odor which excites tears; when dry, the alkaloid is tasteless; when in a state of fusion, it is biting and corrosive, causes insensibility of the tongue and white blisters; in a common temperature it is not volatile; when exposed to heat it melts, and burns with a bright flame. The term, anemone, is derived from the Greek, meaning “daughter of the wind”. Mesopotamians called the anemones the “silver sheen” and “waving in the wind”. In Greek mythology Pulsatilla was born from the tears of Venus, while she was lamenting the death of Adonis, her lover. It is a member of the Ranunculaceae family, which includes: acon., acon-a., acon-c., acon-f., acon-l., acon-s., aconin., act-sp., adon., adonin., ane-n., ane-r., aquil., calth., cimic., clem., clem-vir., clem-vit., epip., eran., hell., hell-f., hell-o., hell-v., hepat., hydr., hydr-m., hydrin-m., hydrin-s., macrin., napin., nig-d., nig-s., puls., puls-n., ran-a., ran-b., ran-fi., ran-fl., ran-g., ran-r., ran-s., staph. Complements: all-c., arg-n., ars., bry., cham., coff., graph., kali-bi., kali-m., kali-s., lyc., nux-v., sep., sil., stann., sul-ac., sulph., tub., zinc.
The tears of Venus; the Wind Flower; the ever-changing, loving Mother; moody, tearful Daughter; males with motherly animas; needy oral actualizations; fantasy world; religious melancholia; suppressed libido; attraction yet fear of the opposite sex; takes up her cross to banish evil; tempted by the devil; naked persons in the bed.Well Adapted To This offers information on classical temperaments and diathetic constitutions as well as gender affinities, stages of life, and never-well-since states associated with the remedy.
The choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and nervous melancholic temperaments. Persons of indecisive, slow, phlegmatic temperament; sandy hair, blue eyes, pale face, easily moved to laughter or tears; affectionate, mild, gentle, timid, yielding disposition — the woman’s remedy. Women inclined to be fleshy, with scanty and protracted menstruation; especially, in diseases of women and children; the first serious impairment of health is referred to puberic age, have “never been well since” — anemia, chlorosis, bronchitis, phthisis.Suited To This section offers information on the twelve personality disorders of contemporary psychology. Pulsatilla is most characteristic for passive aggressive, hysterical, cyclothymic and dependent personality disorders. The themes of these personality disorders are found throughout the characteristics of the remedy.
The obsessive compulsive, passive aggressive, hysterical, cyclothymic, dependent, paranoid, addictive, borderline, and schizoid personality disorders.Miasms The next section gives the relationships of the remedy to the Miasms. This offers information on psora, sycosis, pseudopsora TB, syphilis, vaccinosis, hepatitis, lymphosis and HIV. It also includes the cancer diathesis. In some cases, there may be references to acute or half-acute miasms.
Sycosis, pseudopsora TB, syphilis, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS and cancer diathesis.Ailments From This section gives information on causation under the title Ailments From. Aetiological rubrics can be very important in certain cases and can make the difference between success and failure particularly when the patient has never been well since the incident.
Affections from disappointment, deception, deceived ambition, bad news, financial loss, business cares, business failure, literary and scientific failure. Ailments caused by rudeness of others, indignation, mortification, humiliation, chagrin, jealousy. Ailments caused by anger and vexation, with anxiety, with fright, with shock, with silent grief. Affects caused by grief, sorrow, care, with tearfulness, or cannot cry. Symptoms caused by shock, fear or fright, anticipation, foreboding, presentiment, stage-fright. Ailments from excitement, hurry, excessive joy, in crowd or society. Ailments related to puberty, climacteric period, pregnancy; after delivery, parturition, puerperal; sexual excesses, mental work, thunderstorm, chill, wetting feet; eating pork, fats, pastry, ice-cream, mixed diet, tea.Mind The text continues with a study of the psychology of the remedy under the title Mind. This begins with current psychological categories such as mood affective disorders, neurotic states, paranoid disorders, schizophrenia, suicidal disposition, defective orificial actualizations, psychosexual disorders and various psychological complexes, etc.
Mood affective disorders; depression, mania, manic-depressive bipolar states and melancholia. Obsessive compulsive, hysterical, hypochondriacal, anxiety and phobic neurosis. Paranoid disorders. Schizophrenia. Multiple personality disorder. Suicidal disposition; with fear, with continuous crying; after fright; during heat; during perspiration; thoughts; by drowning; by drowning, thinks with pleasure of; by poison; by shooting. Psychosexual disorders; nymphomania. Gender issues. Homophobia. Union separation dilemma. Deranged anal and genital activations; fear of opposite sex. Deranged oral activation, always need emotional nourishment. Inferiority complex. Sibling rivalries. Autism. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.The mental picture continues with a commentary on the Pulsatilla patient that includes symptoms from the classical materia medica as well as information based on the author’s experience. The portrait contains an analysis of the symptoms according to Jungian psychology that begins with the way the Persona presents itself to the world and then progresses to the Shadow and the Unconscious and its complexes.
The Persona of the Pulsatilla patient appears sensitive, soft, shy, coy, modest, affectionate, sympathetic and understanding. They may smile and blush and look down or out of the corner of their eyes. They are naturally phlegmatic, emotionally moist and cool and it may take a little time for them to warm up during the interview. Hering wrote in his Guiding Symptoms: “Mild, bashful, gentle, yielding disposition.” Pulsatilla is often given to women but it suits passive males who are often true “gentlemen” or may be somewhat effeminate. They have emotional natures that are often connected to the presence of a temperate Anima. For this reason, the remedy suits the phlegmatic temperament in both sexes. They may appear coy or yielding but their Shadow is very moody, touchy, irritable and easily upset. They can be fickle, irresolute, impressionable and may appear superficial and always in need of emotional support and sympathy. On the other hand, they can be masters at the art of passive resistance and can be very stubborn. They do not confront obstacles directly but they slowly but surely try to flank their opponents or undermine their position in a clandestine manner.After the mental portrait the text reviews the patient’s essential delusions, dreams and sensations and seeks to put them into perspective.
The sensations are ever changing, rapidly shifting, alternating, contradictory and even illusionary. Everything is vibrating, humming, buzzing and whizzing. They feel emptiness and hollowness and a peculiar sensation of touching or being touched. This could be analogous to feeling emotionally deprived and wishing to make contact. They feel overheated, burning, flushes of heat, pulsations, throbbing and orgasms of blood after emotions and faint in a closed or crowded room. This may come with a sense of suffocation and strangling and they always feel better in open air. They feel constricted as of a band and as if their clothing is too tight and they must loosen them for relief. They feel they must stretch to release tension. A central delusion is the idea that the devil is coming to take them away because they are so sinful. They dream that someone of the opposite sex is on their bed or is naked and wrapped in their bed clothes. Clearly, the natural outlet for sexual energy has been blocked and diverted to unhealthy channels. There is much guilt and shame because they feel sexual but think it is wrong to enjoy the function of orgasm in a healthy manner.The study continues with detailed pictures of psychological states like Depression, Melancholia, Mania, Manic-depression, Hysteria, Hypochondria, etc. For example, Pulsatilla is well known for religious melancholia as they have strong beliefs and a tendency toward feeling guilty with concern about their salvation.
Religious melancholy, she prays constantly for the salvation of herself and of others; great solicitude about her affairs, is full of sorrows, folds her hands and sits like a statue; dread of darkness; irresolution, desires for different things, without knowing what, hastiness and inability to collect her senses; chilliness, with inclination to vomit, sleep full of fantastic dreams; palpitations; great excitement in sexual organs. Grief and sorrowful timidity on account of his worldly and eternal affairs; anxious and weary of life, sad and gloomy, easily bursting into tears; dissatisfied; fearful; anxious dreams with praecordial anguish and ideas of suicide.This remedy is also known for Hysteria in which the patient acts out their inner dramas and their related psychosomatic disorders as these individuals are a prime candidate for conversion diseases. Hysteria with tensive, cutting pain in uterus, which is very sensitive to touch and during coitus; crampy condition of vagina; constriction in throat, felt something there impeding speech, especially at night in bed; tired, worn-out feeling; constant change in her feelings and in her symptoms; flat, slimy taste, especially in the morning; vomiting of mucus; gastric disturbance from rich, fat food. The mental symptoms continue with paragraphs on Anxiety and Fear, paranoia and phobias. These categories are presented in themes. These symptoms are very important because they represent areas of conflict within the psyche that are directly related to active complexes.
Anxiety; of conscience, of conscience at night, of conscience in dreams, of conscience on waking, of conscience about women and religion, about salvation, about salvation with excessive religious scruples, as if he had not done his duty. There is anxiety in the dark, about future, about health, about health of relatives, about friends at home, about business; about household matters, about household matters in morning;… Fear, paranoia and phobias; constant, lifelong, of everything, with desire to escape. Anthropophobia, fear of people, of strangers, in a crowd, claustrophobia, fear in narrow places, of trains, closed places, in narrow places, vaults, churches, cellars; agoraphobia, fear of public places, of high place, of looking up, of crossing a bridge or place, of strange surroundings. Fear of opposite sex, of men, of men in girls, of women, of women in boys, of homosexuality.…Delusions The psychological study continues with the Delusions, which are presented in themes. Delusions are based on the manifestations of inner complexes in the Unconscious that distort the nature of reality. They may be projections such as when a person believes certain types of people are “criminals” when they are not. In the more severe states they become full hallucinations as when a person actually thinks criminals are about the house when this is not the case.
The patient has delusions he or she is always alone, is alone in the world, is surrounded by strangers, that she is not appreciated, is deserted and forsaken, he is neglected, does not belong to her own family. Familiar things seem strange, surroundings do not exist, is away from home. Imagines she has neglected her duty, he has done wrong, has committed a crime, he is a criminals, criminals are about. Fear of mortification, thinks he or she is insulted, will be ruined, that he is persecuted, conspiracies against him, everyone is an enemy, he has been poisoned, is pursued, is pursued by enemies.…Dreams The next section is Dreams, which are also grouped into themes. These are important symptoms because they contain symbolic messages directly from the Unconscious that are not filtered by the conscious aspects of the Persona. These dreams may be analyzed and interpreted as to their deeper meanings. For example, the Pulsatilla patient’s dreams of falling into water may be a sign of being overwhelmed by waves of emotion rising from the Unconscious, etc.
The dreams can be sad, sad with weeping, or frightful or sad with weeping. There are frightful dreams, frightful with crying and moaning, nightmares. Dreams of water, of falling, of falling into water. There are dreams from exertion and after mortification. The patient has dreams that involve accidents, danger, misfortune, and bad luck. There are dreams of anger and being angry, vexation, of quarrels, of strife, of fights, of riots, of being beaten, of murder, of crimes, that he had committed a crime. There are dreams of animals; of bees, wants them driven away; of animals biting him, of black animals, cats, felines, being frightened by cats, felines, of dogs, of black dogs, of being frightened by a black dog.Physical Concomitants After the psychological study of the remedy the text presents the Physical Concomitants. This section places emphasis on the major characteristic symptoms that are often associated with related psychological states. The study begins with the general symptoms and then moves through the particular symptoms in the regions.
The weather-cock among the remedies. Symptoms ever changing; no two chills, no two stools, no two attacks alike; very well one hour, very miserable the next; apparently contradictory. Pains: drawing, tearing, erratic, rapidly shifting from one part to another; are accompanied with constant chilliness; the more severe the pain, the more severe the chill; appear suddenly, leave gradually, or tension much increases until very acute and then “lets up with a snap”; on first motion.… Wandering stitches about head; pains extend to face and teeth; vertigo; > in open air. Neuralgic pains in head, commencing in right temporal region, with scalding lachrymation of affected side. Throbbing, pressive headache, > by external pressure or by tying up tightly. Wants the head high. Lids inflamed, agglutinated. Thick, profuse, yellow, bland discharges from the eyes. Profuse lachrymation in the wind or open air. Styes: especially on upper lid; from eating fat, greasy, rich food or pork. Chronic otorrhoea. Violent pain in the ear, as of something forcing outward.…Grand Sensations The next section presents the subjective feelings and sensations of the patient. These sensations are often a manifestation of intuitive “body-language” that represents feeling tones that reside deep in the Unconscious. The first part offers the Grand Sensations, which are general symptoms that affect the whole person.
Symptoms ever changing, rapidly shifting, contradictory and alternating states, illusions of sensations, physical irritability, ill or sick feeling, clumsiness, unwieldiness, sluggishness, faintness, fainting in close or crowded room, heat, heated, flushes of heat, pulsations, throbbing, distension of blood vessels, orgasm of blood after emotion, induration, inflammation, burning, burnt, scaled, dryness of joints, dryness of inner parts usually moist, as if fur covered the inner parts, roughness of inner parts, hair sensation, trembling, shuddering, bubbling, quivering, alive sensation, ball-like, rolling, knotted, gurgling, clucking, cracking, creaking, crepitating, crackling, fullness, puffy, swelling, sense of enlargement…Sensations As If The grand sensations are followed by Sensations As If, which are symptoms that appear in the regions from mind to the extremities and skin. Although these indications are often particular symptoms related to the regions many are strange, rare and peculiar by their very nature.
Sensation as if in a hot atmosphere; on looking upward as if one had turned in a circle a long time, as if he would fall, as if he were dancing; as if brain would burst and eyes fall out of head; as if forehead were in a vise; as if a nail were driven into occiput; as if all life had been taken out of head; as if head were off shoulders; as if brain were lacerated; head as if between screws; as of a gimlet piercing skull; as if brain were to be pressed through skull; cough, head as if it cracked; as of a veil before eyes…Modalities The concluding section is Modalities, which present the times, aggravations and ameliorations of the remedy. The modalities take into account the conditions and circumstances that affect the patient and help form complete symptoms.
Aggravation <: Warm air, room, clothes, bed; warm food; heat; getting feet wet; suppressions; evening, rest; beginning motion; lying, on left side, on painless side; eating rich food; eating long after; eating fats, ices; eggs, pork, pastry, fruits; puberty; pregnancy; before menses; iron, quinine. Amelioration >: Cold, fresh, open air; cold things; uncovering; cold applications; erect posture; lying on painful side; gentle motion; continued motion; after a good cry.
Table of Contents
Abrotanum | Abrot.
Aconitum Napellus | Acon.
Aethusa Cynapium | Aeth.
Agaricus | Agar.
Agnus Castus | Agn.
Ailanthus Glandulosa | Ail.
Alcoholus | Alco.
Aletris Farinose | Alet.
Aloe Socotrina | Aloe
Alumina | Alum.
Ambra Grisea | Ambr.
Ammonium Carbonicum | Am-c.
Ammonium Muriaticum | Am-m.
Anacardium Occidentale | Anac-oc.
Anacardium Orientale | Anac.
Anantherum Muricatum | Anan.
Antimonium Crudum | Ant-c.
Apis Mellifica | Apis.
Argentum Metallicum | Arg.
Argentum Nitricum | Arg-n.
Arnica Montana | Arn.
Arsenicum Album | Ars.
Asafoetida | Asaf.
Asterias Rubens | Aster.
Aurum Metallicum | Aur.
Baptisia Tinctoria | Bapt.
Baryta Carbonica | Bar-c.
Baryta Muriatica | Bar-m.
Belladonna Atropa | Bell.
Berberis Vulgaris | Berb.
Bismuthum | Bism.
Bovista Lycoperdon | Bov.
Bromium | Brom.
Bryonia Alba | Bry.
Bufo Rana | Bufo
Cactus Grandiflorus | Cact.
Calcarea Arsenicosa | Calc-ar.
Calcarea Ostrearum | Calc.
Calcarea Fluorata | Calc-f.
Calcarea Phosphorica | Calc-p.
Camphora Officinalis | Camph.
Cannabis Indica | Cann-i.
Cantharis Vesicatoria | Canth.
Capsicum Annuum | Caps.
Carbo Animalis | Carb-an.
Carbo Vegetabilis | Carb-v.
Carcinosin | Carc.
Caulophyllum Thalictroides | Caul.
Causticum | Caust.
Cedron | Cedr.
Chamomilla | Cham.
Chelidonium Majus | Chel.
China Officinalis | Chin.
Chloralum Hydratum | Chlol.
Chloroformium | Chlf.
Cicuta Virosa | Cic.
Cimicifuga Racemosa | Cimic.
Cina Maritima | Cina
Clematis Recta | Clem.
Coca | Coca
Cocculus Indicus | Cocc.
Colchicum Autumnale | Colch.
Colocynthis | Coloc.
Conium Maculatum | Con.
Crocus Sativus | Croc.
Crotalus Cascavella | Crot-c.
Crotalus Horridus | Crot-h.
Croton Tiglium | Croto-t.
Cuprum Metallicum | Cupr.
Cyclamen Europaeum | Cycl.
Digitalis Purpurea | Dig.
Dulcamara | Dulc.
Elaps Corallinus | Elaps
Eugenia Jambos | Eug.
Euphorbium Officinarum | Euph.
Ferrum Metallicum | Ferr.
Ferrum Phosphoricum | Ferr-p.
Fluoricum Acidum | Fl-ac.
Gelsemium Sempervirens | Gels.
Glonoinum | Glon.
Graphites | Graph.
Gratiola Officinalis | Grat.
Helleborus Niger | Hell.
Heloderma Horridus | Helo.
Helonias Dioica | Helon.
Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum | Hep.
Hydrocyanicum Acidum | Hydr-ac.
Hyoscyamus Niger | Hyos.
Hypericum Perforatum | Hyper.
Ictodes Foetida | Ictod.
Ignatia Amara | Ign.
Indigo | Indg.
Iodum | Iod.
Iris Versicolor | Iris
Kali Arsenicosum | Kali-ar.
Kali Bichromicum | Kali-bi.
Kali Bromatum | Kali-br.
Kali Carbonicum | Kali-c.
Kali Iodatum | Kali-i.
Kali Muriaticum | Kali-m.
Kali Phosphoricum | Kali-p.
Kreosotum | Kreos.
Lac Caninum | Lac-c.
Lac Vaccinum Defloratum | Lac-d.
Lachesis Muta | Lach.
Lacticum Acidum | Lac-ac.
Laurocerasus | Laur.
Leptandra Virginica | Lept.
Lilium Tigrinum | Lil-t.
Lithium Carbonicum | Lith-c.
Lobelia Inflata | Lob.
Lycopodium Clavatum | Lyc.
Lyssinum | Lyss.
Magnesium Carbonica | Mag-c.
Magnesium Muriaticum | Mag-m.
Mancinella | Manc.
Medorrhinum | Med.
Melilotus Officinalis | Meli.
Mercurius | Merc.
Mercurius Auratus | Merc-aur.
Mezereum | Mez.
Moschus | Mosch.
Murex Purpurea | Murx.
Mygale Lasiodora | Mygal.
Naja Tripudians | Naja
Natrum Carbonicum | Nat-c.
Natrum Muriaticum | Nat-m.
Natrum Sulphuricum | Nat-s.
Nitricum Acidum | Nit-ac.
Nux Moschata | Nux-m.
Nux Vomica | Nux-v.
Oenanthe Crocata | Oena.
Oleander | Olnd.
Opium | Op.
Palladium Metallicum | Pall.
Paris Quadrifolia | Par.
Petroleum | Petr.
Phosphoricum Acidum | Ph-ac.
Phosphorus | Phos.
Picricum Acidum | Pic-ac.
Piper Methysticum | Pip-m.
Platinum Metallicum | Plat.
Plumbum Metallicum | Plb.
Podophyllum Peltatum | Podo.
Polygonum Hydropiperoides | Polyg.
Psorinum | Psor.
Pulsatilla Pratensis | Puls.
Ranunculus Bulbosus | Ran-b.
Rhododendron Chrysanthum | Rhod.
Rhus Toxicodendron | Rhus-t.
Sabadilla | Sabad.
Sabina | Sabin.
Sanguinaria Canadensis | Sang.
Secale Cornutum | Sec.
Selenium Metallicum | Sel.
Senecio Aureus | Senec.
Sepia Officinalis | Sep.
Silicea Terra | Sil.
Spigelia Anthelmia | Spig.
Spongia Tosta | Spong.
Stannum Metallicum | Stann.
Staphysagria | Staph.
Sticta Pulmonaria | Stict.
Stramonium | Stram.
Sulphur | Sulph.
Syphilinum | Syph.
Tarentula Hispanica | Tarent.
Theridion Curassavicum | Ther.
Thuja Occidentalis | Thuj.
Tuberculinum | Tub.
Valeriana Officinalis | Valer.
Veratrum Album | Verat.
Veratrum Viride | Verat-v.
Verbascum Thapsus | Verb.
Zincum Metallicum | Zinc.