Homoeopathic Compendium
Volume V : Constitution, Temperament and Maps of Consciousness
Key Subjects
- Constitutional medicine
- Mappa Mundi
- Four temperaments
- Jungian psychology
- Psychological development
- Mental disorders
- Interactive case taking

Volume V : Constitution, Temperament and Maps of Consciousness presents an in-depth study of physical and psychological typology. Part 1 examines the use of the 4 classical temperaments in homoeopathy, with clinical analysis and materia medica studies. Part 2 is a study of the human psyche and its development, from our early ancestors to modern times. It explores a wide range of psychological problems and mental disorders with related remedies and therapeutic hints.
Part 1 : Constitution and Temperament explains the constitutional approach to homoeopathy and introduces the Mappa Mundi, a geometric design which explains the inner relationship of the 5 elements in a concise symbolic form. This information provides a practical guide to temperamental analysis and reveals the inner teachings of the caduceus, the universal symbol of the healing arts. The portraits of the choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine and melancholic temperaments are described with their characteristic mental temperament, physical constitution and predispositions. These studies include a repertorium and materia medica section which analyses remedies suited to each temperament.
Part 2 : Maps of Consciousness is a guide to the deeper facets of the psyche. A study of classical philosophy and modern psychology are important aspects of Homoeopathy. This section describes the development of philosophy and metaphysics in history, modern psychology, the classification and treatment of mental disorders, Jungian psychology, important archetypes, psychological types, developmental psychology, neural anatomy and complexes. The last chapter explains how to use this information when interviewing patients and the ART method for testing remedies.
Part 1: Constitution and Temperament presents an in-depth study of physical and psychological typology. The text examines the use of the classical four temperaments (choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine and melancholic) in Homœopathy and the materia medica.
- Chapter 1: Constitutional Medicine starts with an exposition of the teachings of Hippocrates on constitution and temperament and explains the system used by the Greek naturalist to assess the most common genotypes. The text examines the use of the classical four temperaments (choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine and melancholic) in Homœopathy and the materia medica. It reviews statements on the relevance of various constitutions by Hahnemann, Boenninghausen, Hering, Jahr, Kent, Allen, Roberts and Whitmont. It also provides a discussion of aphorism 5 of the Organon and its importance in the study of the whole human being and its relationship to environment.
- Chapter 2: Mappa Mundi builds on the foundation introduced in Chapter 1. The Mappa Mundi is a geometric design which contains all of the major teachings of Pythagoras and Hippocrates in a concise symbolic form. The image demonstrates the inner relationship between five archetypal symbolic elements, the ether, air, fire, water, and earth. Pythagoras called the five elements the “homœomeries” because all outer and inner phenomena are made up of different combinations of similar components. This section presents a series of ten diagrams that illustrate various aspects of the Mappa Mundi and links this information to clinical analysis.
- Chapter 3: Temperamental Analysis presents the information necessary to use the Mappa Mundi as a guide in the analysis of the nature and condition of the human mind-body complex. This section offers the practitioner a clinical guide that includes ten areas of examination that assist in the assessment of the constitution and temperament. It includes a series of charts showing the various qualities of the five elements and four humours. It concludes with a study of the archetypal and mythological sources of this information in the form of the Caduceus, the staff of the healing artist.
- Chapter 4: A Portrait of the Choleric Temperament presents an expanded dissertation on the qualities of this constitution and reviews the relevant remedies from the materia medica.
- Chapter 5: A Portrait of the Phlegmatic Temperament presents an expanded dissertation on the qualities of this constitution and reviews the relevant remedies from the materia medica.
- Chapter 6: A Portrait of the Sanguine Temperament presents an expanded dissertation on the qualities of this constitution and reviews the relevant remedies from the materia medica.
- Chapter 7: A Portrait of the Nervous Melancholic Temperament presents an expanded dissertation on the qualities of this constitution and reviews the relevant remedies from the materia medica.
- Chapter 8: A Comparative of the Four Temperaments presents a comparative study of the four temperaments in various situations such as in their relationships, at home, out shopping, at work, at dinner, etc. The section concludes with a comparative chart that brings together much of the information on the qualities of the four elements and their corresponding temperaments.
Part 2: Maps of Consciousness is a study of psychology from the classical period to the works of Freud, Reich, and Jung. It contains an analysis of a wide range of psychological problems and mental disorders with therapeutic hints.
- Chapter 9: Psyche and Soma reviews the development of philosophy, psychology and metaphysics in human culture, from our earliest ancestors, through the classical period and up to the philosophy of Hahnemann’s time.
- Chapter 10: Roots of Western Psychology examines pre-Freudian schools of thought and their influence on early Homœopathy and presents the teachings of Hahnemann, Hering and Kent on homœopathic mind cure. It continues by reviewing the modern works of Breuer, Freud, Reich and Jung.
- Chapter 11: Classification of Mental Disorders presents the classifications of modern psychiatry and offers a detailed study of the twelve personality disorders, the five neurotic disorders, the four mood affective disorders, the paranoid disorders, schizophrenia, dissociative disorders, multiple personality disorders, gender psychology and psychosexual disorders, suicidal behavior, autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This section includes the classical signs and symptoms of these disorders and offers clinical hints on possible homœopathic remedies.
- Chapter 12: Jungian Psychology presents an extensive review of the works of Carl Jung and their relevance to Homœopathy. It describes a number of fundamental archetypes and mythologems and discusses Jung’s teachings on the persona, shadow, personal unconscious (anima-animus), collective unconscious and the Self. This chapter includes the teachings of E. Whitmont, M.D. and Jungian psychiatrist, who was the first to integrate the works of Jung with Homœopathy.
- Chapter 13: Classic and Contemporary Thought examines a number of powerful archetypes that form the foundation of human psychology. It describes Jung’s system of psychological types and the four female and male archetypes. These sections provide therapeutic hints and discuss the relevance of the materia medica to Jung’s classifications.
- Chapter 14: Orificial Actualizations and Complexes reviews the psychological stages of human development. It discusses the union-separation dilemma, oral actualization, anal actualization, urethral actualization, genital actualization as well as the inferiority complex, the Oedipal complex, the Electra complex and sibling rivalries.
- Chapter 15: The Voice of the Unconscious studies the symbolic language of the unconscious mind. This section reviews the evolutionary development and neural anatomy of the brain and its role in psychology. It examines important archetypal complexes that affect individuals and society. The chapter concludes with a discussion of the use of delusions, loves and hates as rubrics and a study of dreams.
- Chapter 16: How to Approach the Patient and Remedy Testing explains how to apply the principles of biofeedback to case taking as well as remedy and potency testing. Interactive case taking uses the patient’s voice patterns, eye modes, facial expressions, body language and gestures as a means to uncover deeper layers of the symptoms. Autonomic reflex testing (ART) is a system that transforms the traditional physical exam into an interactive examination of the reactions of the vital force to homœopathic remedies and selected potencies. This allows one to find the most suitable remedy and screen out the wrong remedies and potencies that may cause aggravation before they are administered.
Volume V — Constitution, Temperament and Maps of Consciousness presents a study of the relationship of constitution, temperament and psychology in homœopathic treatment. With the advent of the deciphering of the human genome the innate constitution has become central to our understanding of the predispositions toward certain diseases. It is now proven that the tendency toward many physical and psychological disorders has its roots in the genes. This has led to a revival of the constitutional view in modern medicine. No longer are diseases considered solely the local breakdown of cells in a particular tissue, organ or system. The cause of many chronic disorders is now viewed as a combination of inherited predispositions and their environmental triggers.
Recent scientific studies of human DNA indicate that all human genes can be traced back to one group of hunter-gatherers that left east Africa about 65,000 years ago and passed into Yemen. As the tribe expanded some groups settled down while others travelled the coastline to South Asia, Southeast Asia, Malaysia and Indonesia until Australia was settled around 50,000 years ago. From population centers like India they migrated northwest through Iran and Iraq and the near East to Europe while others spread from Southeast Asia throughout China, Siberia and finally North and South America. During this grand journey the human organism evolved and adapted to a wide variety of climates and food sources. Thus the human constitution has been shaped by a combination of nature (constitution) and nurture (environment) since the dawn of history.
Since the beginning of modern times there has been a great increase of “diseases of civilization” like obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, etc. Hahnemann spoke about this trend in the Introduction to the 5th and 6th Organon. Degenerative diseases once seen exclusively in old people are now found in younger persons and even children. The decline of the human constitution is so severe that for the first time health officials are worried that the younger generation may not live as long as the older. This change in the human constitution is caused by a combination of constitutional predispositions, miasms, environmental degradation, chemical pollution, and improper diet, lack of exercise, stress and suppressive medical treatment. This situation has led to the overburdening of medical systems and a spiral of ever increasing cost.
Homœopathy can play an essential role in reforming the medical system and reversing these negative trends in both treatment efficacy and costs. Since its earliest days Homœopathy has looked upon the human being as a unity in which the whole is more than the sum of its parts. Hahnemann wrote that the human organism is a “complete whole, a unity” in which every sensation and power is “intimately associated” with the sensations and functions of “all other parts”. The Founder called the unifying power of the human organism the “vital force”. In this sense, there are no local diseases as all pathogenic processes affect the vital force, and through it the complete mind-body complex.
The classification of constitution and temperament by similar characteristics has played a central role in the development of the medical sciences. Hippocrates used an ancient system of constitution and temperament that is at the very root of Western medicine and psychology. He classified individuals into four archetypal groups and their mixtures based on similar anatomy, physiology, psychology and predispositions to disease. He called the four major constitutions the choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine and melancholic temperaments. Each of these constitutions has a characteristic physical constitution, mental temperament, predispositions, physique, facial features, complexion, sensations, aversions, desires and modalities.
As I deepened my study of Homœopathy I realized that the Hippocratic Canon formed the background of Samuel Hahnemann’s medical view. For this reason, one finds occasional references to the classical temperaments in Hahnemann’s casebooks, The Materia Medica Pura and The Chronic Diseases. This 2500 year old tradition was preserved in Homœopathy as knowledge of classical temperament was taken for granted by the first generation of homœopaths. Constantine Hering presented a study of classical temperament and remedies in his Guiding Symptoms and these characteristics have spread to works like Allen’s Keynotes, etc. James Kent did not approve of Hahnemann’s and Hering’s use of classical temperament, and since that time, interest in this subject has waned. Part 1, Constitution and Temperament, is an attempt to recover these lost gems and return the science of physiognomy to its rightful role in the homœopathic healing arts.
I have come to the conclusion that a study of classical philosophy and modern psychology are an important aspect of practicing Homœopathy. The second part of this volume, Maps of Consciousness, acts as a guide to the deeper aspects of the psyche. The collection of the mental symptoms is not just the recording of lists of unrelated bits of information. Hahnemann used two German words when speaking of the collection of the symptoms, Gesammtheit and Inbegriff. Gesammtheit means the totality in all its aspects and Inbegriff means the essence, inner idea or nature of a phenomenon. The root of Inbegriff is the verb, “begreifen”, which means to touch, handle, comprise, include, comprehend and understand in the sense of coming in contact with something. So the Founder is pointing out that the mere collection of the totality of the symptoms is not complete without comprehending their inner Esse.
One cannot see the mental essence but one can observe the Unconscious through its Gestalt-phenomena, which is comprised of altered states, delusions, dreams, fantasies, attachments, aversions and sensations. These symptoms allow the observer to paint a portrait of the archetypal powers that lie at the core of experience. Psychology helps one to make sense of the apparently senseless by offering insights into the uncontrollable delusions, inexplicable feelings and unusual sensations of our patients. For this reason, and more, we have written an extensive document that reviews the history of philosophy and psychology and their role in Homœopathy. I hope this work will be found useful by the homœopathic community.
Table of Contents
Part 1: Constitution and Temperament
Chapter 1 : Constitutional Medicine
Constitution and Terrain
The Hippocratic Corpus
Definition of Constitution and Temperament
In Search of the Lost Chord
The Four Cardinal Temperaments
The Twelve Mixed Temperaments
Hippocratic Terms in Every Day Life
Constitution and Temperament in Homœopathy
Hahnemann on Constitution and Hereditary Disposition
Temperaments in the Materia Medica Pura
Temperaments in The Chronic Diseases
Confirmations from the Paris Casebooks
Boenninghausen on Constitution and Temperament
Hering on Temperaments
Jahr on Constitution and Temperament
James Kent on Constitution and Temperament
J. H. Allen on Temperament
H. A. Roberts on Temperaments
Whitmont on Temperaments
Constitutional Prescribing
A Review of Aphorisms Five, Six and Seven
Review of Causation
A Review of the Seven Attendant Circumstances
1. The Observable Physical Constitution (The Condition of the Body)
2. The Intellect and Emotional Disposition
3. The Occupation
4. Lifestyle and Habits
5. Social and Domestic Relationships
6. Age
7. Sex and Sexuality
Assessing the Attendant Circumstances and Constitutional Concomitants
Image of a Homœopath
Chapter 2 : Mappa Mundi
The Map of the World
Pneuma and the Four Elements
How the Ancients Viewed Disease
The Three Forces
Hippocratic Physiology
Hippocratic Pathology
The Schematic of the Mappa Mundi
1. Pneuma and the Three Forces
2. The Vertical Line of the Vital Forces
3. The Horizontal Line of the Natural Forces
4. The Cross of the Three Forces and the Five Elements
5. The Basic Elemental Square
6. The Four Elemental Triangles
7. The Eight Regions
8. Creative and Control Cycles
9. The Four Temperamental Squares
10. The Four Pure and Twelve Mixed Temperaments
The Sanguine Temperament and its Mixtures
The Choleric Temperament and its Mixtures
The Melancholic Temperament and its Mixtures
The Phlegmatic Temperament and its Mixtures
Comparative of the Four Pure and Twelve Mixed Temperaments
Chapter 3 : Temperamental Analysis
Understanding the Human Constitution
State of Balance in Relationship to Outer Factors
Balance Based on Internal Equilibrium
The Indications of the Innate Temperament
Superior and Inferior Elements of the Psyche
1. Indications by Looking
2. Touch and the Nature of Tissues
3. The Hair of the Body
4. The Color of the Body
5. Morphology
6. The Reactive Quality of the Organism
Autonomic Types
7. The Functional Types and Diathetic Constitutions
Von Grauvogl’s Constitutions
8. Excreta and Discharges
9. Sleep and Wakefulness
10. Psychic Reactions
Temporary and Acquired Temperaments
The Four Seasons
Heating Agents
Cooling Agents
Moistening Agents
Drying Agents
Sthenic and Asthenic Temperaments
Elements, Time and Progression
The Five-Fold Defense
1. The Electrical Aura
2. The Airy Nervous Response
3. The Fiery Immune System Response
4. The Watery Lymphatic System Response
5. The Earthy Connective Tissue Response
Integration of the Five-Fold Response
On Generation and Corruption
The Galenic Versus Hippocratic Temperaments
The Caduceus and the Five Elements
The Birth of Anubis
Hermes Thrice Great
The Outer Hermes
The Inner Hermes
The Third Eye and the Wings of the Spirit
The Direct Connection
The Seven Centers: 1. Crown Center
2. Third Eye Center
3. Ether Center
4. Air Center
5. Fire Center
6. Water Center
7. Earth Center
The Evolution of the Seven Centers
The Secret Hermes
Chapter 4 : A Portrait of the Choleric Temperament
Constitutional Analysis
Natural Groups
The Earth Element
The Choleric Psyche
The Choleric Constitution
The Choleric Temperament and its Mixtures
Choleric Remedies
Mineral Remedies
Plant Remedies
Animal Remedies
Nosode and Sarcode Remedies
Materia Medica
Choleric Temperament in the Materia Medica
Smaller Remedies for the Bilious Humour
Chapter 5 : A Portrait of the Phlegmatic Temperament
Constitutional Analysis
The Water Element
The Phlegmatic Psyche
The Phlegmatic Constitution
The Phlegmatic Temperament and its Mixtures
Phlegmatic Remedies
Mineral Remedies
Plant Remedies
Animal Remedies
Nosode and Sarcode Remedies
Materia Medica
Phlegmatic Temperament in the Materia Medica
Smaller Remedies for the Phlegmatic Humour
Chapter 6 : A Portrait of the Sanguine Temperament
Constitutional Analysis
The Fire Element
The Sanguine Psyche
The Sanguine Constitution
The Sanguine Temperament and its Mixtures
Sanguine Remedies
Mineral Remedies
Plant Remedies
Animal Remedies
Nosode and Sarcode Remedies
Materia Medica
Sanguine Temperament in the Materia Medica
Smaller Remedies and the Sanguine Humour
Chapter 7 : A Portrait of the Nervous Melancholic Temperament
Constitutional Analysis
The Air Element
The Melancholic Psyche
The Melancholic Constitution
The Nervous Temperament and its Mixtures
Nervous Melancholic Remedies
Mineral Remedies
Plant Remedies
Animal Remedies
Nosode and Sarcode Remedies
Materia Medica
Nervous Temperament in the Materia Medica
Smaller Remedies for the Atrabilious Humour
Chapter 8 : A Comparative of the Four Temperaments
Differential Analysis
Constitutional Typology
Perceptions of Reality
In the Home
At the Party
Out for Dinner
Comparative Chart of the Four Temperaments
Part 2 : Maps of Consciousness
Chapter 9 : Psyche and Soma
History, Philosophy and Psychology
Our Early Ancestors
The Rise of Homo Sapiens
The Cradles of Civilization
The Genesis of European Thought
The Legend of Asclepius
The Dark Age of Greece
The Four Ages of Greek History
The Greek Renaissance
Eleusian Mysteries
Socrates, the Logician
Revolution in Athens
Plato the Idealist
Aristotle the Observer
Alexander the Great
The Turning Point
The Dark Ages
The Renaissance
The Philosophy of Hahnemann’s Time
The Eternal Truths
Chapter 10 : Roots of Western Psychology
Psychology and Psychiatry
Pre-Freudian Roots
The Insane Diathesis
Homœopathic Psychology
Hering’s Cure
Kent on Mind Cure
Josef Breuer (1842–1925)
Sigmund Freud (1856–1939)
Wilhelm Reich (1897–1957)
Carl Jung (1875–1961)
Chapter 11 : Classification of Mental Disorders
Modern Psychology and Psychiatry
The Twelve Personality Disorders
1. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality
2. Passive-Aggressive Personality
3. Narcissistic Personality
4. Hysterical Personality
5. Cyclothymic Personality
6. Dependent Personality
7. Avoidant Personality
8. Paranoid Personality
9. Antisocial Personality
10. Addictive Personality
11. Borderline Personality
12. Schizoid and Schizoidtypal Personality
The Five Neurotic Disorders
1. Obsessive-Compulsive Neurosis
2. Hysterical Neurosis
3. Hypochondriacal Neurosis
4. Anxiety Neurosis
5. Phobic Neurosis
The Four Major Mood Affective Disorders
1. Depression
2. Mania
3. Manic Depression
4. Melancholia
Psychotic Disorders
Dissociative Disorders and Multiple Personality Disorder
Human Sexuality
Gender Psychology
Psychosexual Disorders
Suicidal Behavior
Self-destructive Tendencies
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Rubrics and Remedies of ASD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Disorders That May Accompany ADHD
Rubrics and Remedies of ADHD
Chapter 12 : Jungian Psychology
Journey into the Unconscious
The Structure of the Psyche
Veiling and Projecting
The Collective Unconscious and Archetypes
Meeting the Unconscious
Golden Age of Egypt
Ra and the Creation Myth
Primordial Waters and the Collective Unconscious
Apocalypse Now
The New World Order
The Psychic Nucleus
The Unconscious and the Individual Myth
Theseus and the Labyrinth
The Doctrine of Correspondences
Remedies and Mythologems
Metamorphosis and Stages of Development
Yin and Yang
Components of the Psyche
The Fivefold Vision
1. The Persona
2. The Shadow
A Case of the Persona Versus the Shadow
3. The Anima-Animus Archetypes
The Anima
The Four Stages of the Anima
The Animus
The Four Stages of the Animus
Anima-Animus Relations
Old Before His Time
4. Collective Archetypes
5. The Self
The Psyche and the Materia Medica (Plumbum Study)
Chapter 13 : Classic and Contemporary Thought
Universal Archetypes
The Indus-Saraswati Culture
The Vedic World
Evolution of Creative Thought
Vedic Psychology and Yoga
Brahman and the Gods and Goddesses
The Divine Family
The Tree of Life
Split in the Psyche
The World Beyond
Psyche and Eros
The Principles of Psychic Function
Judgment Day
Psychological Types
Jungian Typology
I. Extroverted Thinking Type
II. Extroverted Feeling Type
III. Extroverted Intuitive Type
IV. Extroverted Sensation Type
I. Introverted Thinking Type
II. Introverted Feeling Type
III. Introverted Intuitive Type
IV. Introverted Sensation Type
Utilizing Typology
The Four Female and Male Archetypes
The Four Female Archetypes
1. The Mother
2. The Daughter/Hetaira
3. The Amazon
4. The Medium/High Priestess
The Mother Complex
The Four Male Archetypes
1. The Father
2. The Son
3. The Hero
4. The Wise Man
The Rutaceae and the Father Complex
Superior and Inferior Types
Chapter 14 : Orificial Actualizations and Complexes
Developmental Psychology
Stages of Ego Development
The Union-Separation Dilemma
Oral Actualization
Anal Actualization
Urethral Actualization
Genital Actualization
Inferiority Complex
Oedipal Complex
Electra Complex
Sibling Rivalries
Calcarea Sulphurica and Sibling Rivalry
Anxiety about Change and Psychic Inertia
Chapter 15 : The Voice of the Unconscious
Neural Anatomy and Complexes
Death and Resurrection
Osiris and a Sycotic Patient
The Ego-Self Estrangement
A Lawyer Who Wished to be a Cartoonist
The Three Modes of Conditioning
The Triune Brain
Reptilian Brain
Mammalian Brain
The Human Brain
The Dionysus Complex
The Aphrodite Complex
The Warrior Complex
The Gilgamesh Complex
Delusions, Love and Hate as Rubrics
Dreams and Archetypes
Chapter 16 : How to Approach the Patient and Remedy Testing
Interactive Case Taking
Who am I?
Seven Levels of Symptoms
The Seven Universal Questions
The Three Eye Modes
The Seven Levels and Five Archetypes of the Psyche in Action
The Persona
The Shadow
The Anima-Animus
The Collective Unconscious
The Self
Completing the Interview
Autonomic Reflex Testing (ART)
Clinical Reflexes and Remedy Testing
Applying the Method in the Clinic
The Pupil Reflex
The Pulse Reflex and the Heart Response
The Respiratory Response
The Percussion Reflex
The Skin Response
Palpation as a Testing Method
Testing Through the Manual Arts
Applied Kinesiology (AK)
Modern Research