Homoeopathic Compendium
Volume IV : Chronic Miasms and Cancer
Key Subjects
- Sycosis with Thuja and Medhorrinum studies
- Pseudopsora TB with Bacillinum and Tuberculinum studies
- Syphilis with Mercury and Syphilinum studies
- Vaccinosis
- Hepatitis
- Lymphosis
- Cancer with Cadmium family and Carcinosin studies
- Comparative of the miasms
- Comparative table of antimiasmic remedies

Volume IV : Chronic Miasms and Cancer presents a study of classical and contemporary miasms from Hahnemann’s time to the present day. Hahnemann considered psora to be the earliest non-venereal infectious miasm. He identified two venereal miasms, syphilis and sycosis. The symptoms of psora were subsequently separated from pseudopsora, the tubercular miasm. In our study we have added vaccinosis, hepatitis, lymphosis and HIV/AIDS to bring the information up to date with universal chronic miasms affecting society at the present time. We have included a study of the cancer diathesis which is based on mixed miasms.
Volume IV describes seven chronic miasms and cancer following their natural order on the sine-wave model which was introduced in Volume III. Each miasm is explained in detail, with sections on background, anatomy and physiology, three stages, the psychological picture, constitution and temperament, mental and regional symptoms and a collection of suitable antimiasmic remedies.
The chapters on sycosis, tuberculosis, syphilis and cancer are followed by complementary materia medica studies of their chief remedy and nosode.
- Chapter 1: Sycosis examines the nature of the non-syphilitic venereal miasms from the classical and modern view. It looks at the correlation between sycosis and the human papilloma virus (HPV) as well as gonorrhoea Neisseria and provides therapeutic hints for HPV and gonorrheal miasms. It includes a study of the anatomy and physiology of the sycotic syndrome and the symptoms of the primary, latent-secondary and tertiary stages. On this basis, it discusses the treatment of sycosis. After a study of the psyche of sycosis and its confirmatory symptoms, the text describes the signs associated with the sycotic constitution and evaluates sycosis in the four Hippocratic temperaments. This section concludes with a detailed anamnesis of sycosis with the symptoms listed for the mind and regions of the body. It also provides a repertory rubric of anti-sycotic remedies brought up to date.
- Chapter 2: Thuja and Medorrhinum presents a study of Hahnemann’s cardinal anti-sycotic remedy, Thuja, which provides further information on the symptoms of sycosis. This is followed by a study of the gonorrheal nosode, Medorrhinum, which reveals the image of the gonorrheal miasma and shows its association with HPV. The chapter ends with some example cases of anti-sycotic treatment.
- Chapter 3: Pseudopsora begins with a review of phthisis and consumption and its impact on human health. It includes a study of the anatomy and physiology of the tubercular miasm and the symptoms of its primary, latent and secondary stages. It discusses the prevention and treatment of active TB. There is a study of the psyche of the miasma with confirmatory symptoms. It examines the signs associated with the TB constitution and describes the miasm in the four Hippocratic temperaments. It presents a regional anamnesis of pseudopsora TB that includes the symptoms of the mind and regions of the body. It also provides a repertory rubric of anti-tubercular remedies brought up to date.
- Chapter 4: Bacillinum and Tuberculinum provides a study of the two major anti-tubercular nosodes with a comparative analysis of the psyche of the two remedies. The chapter ends with some example cases of anti-tubercular treatment.
- Chapter 5: Syphilis reviews the history of syphilis and its impact on individual health and society. It includes a study of the anatomy and physiology of syphilis and the symptoms of the primary, latent-secondary and tertiary stages of the acquired and congenital forms. It discusses the return of syphilis and the mutation of the disease into more insidious forms through drug suppression. There is a study of the psyche of syphilis with confirmatory symptoms. It describes the syphilitic constitution and evaluates syphilis in the four Hippocratic temperaments. It presents a regional anamnesis of syphilis that includes the symptoms of the mind and regions of the body. It also provides a repertory rubric of anti-syphilitic remedies brought up to date.
- Chapter 6: Mercury and Syphilinum provides a study of Hahnemann’s cardinal anti-syphilitic remedy and the syphilitic nosode, Syphilinum. The chapter ends with some example cases of anti-syphilitic treatment.
- Chapter 7: Vaccinosis reviews the history of vaccination and then brings the subject up to date. Vaccinosis is an iatrogenic chronic miasm created and spread by medical practice which has become more complex in modern times. This chapter contains a detailed study of primary, latent and secondary vaccinosis and discusses the effects of vaccination on the body and mind. It presents a detailed anamnesis of the vaccine syndrome in general followed by specific vaccinations (DPT, MMR, Polio, etc). It concludes with a repertory rubric of anti-vaccinosis remedies that include medicines reputed to remove the side-effects of immunizations.
- Chapter 8: Hepatitis examines the role of the cirrhosis miasm in the development of chronic diseases. This has become a worldwide chronic miasma of epidemic proportions and should not be overlooked by homœopaths. It begins with a discussion of acute hepatitis miasm and then studies the various forms of chronic hepatitis (HBV, HBC, etc), which is passed as a venereal disease, through contaminated blood products or needles, and congenitally from mother to child. There is a study of the psyche of hepatitis. This chapter provides a detailed regional analysis of the hepatitis miasma based on a collective study of its symptoms. It concludes with a comprehensive repertory rubric of anti-hepatitis remedies.
- Chapter 9: Lymphosis is a study of the lymphorecticular miasm. This is a study of the syndromes that directly affect the immune system. It involves a number of diseases that span from the benign to malignant forms. This includes EBV, CMV, HL, NHL, PCD, etc. Although these states may be considered as separate diseases in orthodox medicine, they all share similar pathways and symptoms. The lymphosis miasm forms a link between the hepatitis miasm (6), and the development of HIV/AIDS (8). This chapter provides a study of the psyche of lymphosis and describes its diathetic constitution. It presents a detailed anamnesis of the symptoms of the lymphoreticular miasma. It concludes with a comprehensive repertory rubric of anti-lymphosis remedies.
- Chapter 10: HIV/AIDS examines the controversial subject of the immunodeficiency miasm. It begins with a review of the mysterious origins of HIV. It includes a study of the anatomy and physiology of HIV/AIDS and a description of its symptoms. There are notes on prevention and treatment with some facts and figures of this global epidemic. It describes the primary, latent-secondary and tertiary symptoms of the miasma. There is a study of the psyche of HIV/AIDS. It presents a detailed regional anamnesis of AIDS and concludes with a comprehensive repertory rubric of potential anti-HIV/AIDS remedies.
- Chapter 11: Cancer is a complete study of the cancer diathesis from the homœopathic point of view. It begins with an assessment of the causal factors and then examines the anatomy and physiology of cancer and discusses the symptoms of the primary, latent and secondary stages. It reviews the treatment of older homœopaths such as Drs Cooper, Burnett, Clarke and Grimmer as well as the modern works of Dr Ramakrishnan. This section discusses the constitutional and organ-tissue remedy approaches to cancer treatment and offers suggestions on case management strategies. It provides a group anamnesis of cancer with suggestions about regional, organ and tissue remedies. It concludes with a comprehensive repertory rubric of anti-cancer remedies.
- Chapter 12: Cadmium Family and Carcinosin offers a detailed materia medica study of the cancer nosode and its place in homœopathic treatment. It also provides a study of the Cadmium Family remedies, which Dr Grimmer considered the central anti-cancer remedies.
- Chapter 13: Comparison of the Chronic Miasms and Cancer offers a detailed comparative study of the symptoms of the chronic miasms. It provides an analysis of complex miasms such as psora-pseudopsora, psora-sycosis, sycosis-syphilis, psora-sycosis-syphilis, etc. It gives therapeutic hints for treating complex miasms and offers a repertory rubric of remedies reputed to treat complex miasms. This chapter also includes A Comparative Table of the Anti-Miasmic Remedies. The table shows the anti-miasmic remedies listed in alphabetical order with graded entries for their suitability in treating the eight universal chronic miasms and cancer.
Volume IV — Chronic Miasms and Cancer forms the second part of our study of the chronic miasmatic diseases. In the introduction of the Organon Hahnemann wrote that as long as human beings have existed they have been exposed, individually and collectively, to diseases of the psyche and soma. Individual diseases are unique disorders that often have a constellation of causes. Collective diseases are disorders that have a common cause and similar symptoms that affect a homogeneous group of sufferers.
In the raw state of nature life was uncomplicated and diseases were simple, yet often of a deadly nature. The advent of agriculture and animal husbandry caused a great change in the previous hunter-gatherer lifestyle that led to permanent settlements and eventually urbanization. Although these conditions brought a new state of food security, they also led to poor hygiene, cramped conditions, contaminated food stocks and introduction of infectious miasms from domestic animals to humans. These factors complicated the nature of disease, and led to increasingly invasive, and in many cases, more dangerous methods of treatment. Hahnemann noted that improper treatment is a major cause of the increase in the number and complexity of diseases affecting humanity.
While the process of civilization brought advances in the lifestyle, arts and sciences, development also introduced a host of new problems never before seen. With the introduction of sanitation, food storage, and more effective medical systems, the lifespan of the population began to make significant increases. In recent years, however, these gains have been put into danger by the increase in disease from stress and strain, the proliferation of unhealthy foods, the use of toxic chemicals and the spread of radioactive waste. When these excesses are combined with massive population growth and great wealth disparities, they result in worldwide environmental degradation and the threat of major climate change. Much like the dramatic transformation that took place during the dawn of civilization, the present times constitute a turning point from which there is no going back. The problems caused by the abuse of mechanistic science and technology can only be cured “homœopathically” by the correct use of dynamic science and technology.
Although modern medicine has made great strides in emergency medicine and surgery, the overall treatment of acute and chronic disease still leaves much to be desired. The general view of healing remains mechanistic in nature, and is more concerned with repressing individual symptoms than curing suffering patients. The methods used to combat infectious disease and their sequels are mostly limited to crude immunizations, antibiotics, fungicides and antiviral medicines. These drugs may cause allergic reactions, suppression, toxicity and chemical side-effects that disrupt the internal terrain. This is the path to autoimmune disorders and immunodeficiency diseases of manifold proportions.
Even the so-called miracle drugs, antibiotics, have been abused to the point of weakening the human immune system and causing the production of increasingly resistant strains of microorganisms that nature would not have produced unaided. These microorganisms are mutating faster than the pharmaceutical companies can develop new antimicrobial drugs to treat them. This opens a window for epidemics and pandemics of Biblical proportions. The Orthodox medical school still believes that one must “kill” the microorganisms at all costs, while Homœopathy realized long ago that similar agents stimulate the constitution to increase resistance thus removing infection. There may come a time when homœopaths possess the only effective tools to combat worldwide outbreaks of increasingly powerful “super bugs”.
Samuel Hahnemann was the first physician to develop a system of epidemiology that includes constitutional predispositions, inheritance, susceptibility, collective disorders and infectious miasms as well as the moment of infection and primary, latent and chronic stages. He also clarified the nature of iatrogenic diseases and introduced a detailed analysis of the suppression syndrome. This contribution to the healing arts is unparalleled in medical history. He not only developed a comprehensive framework for the study of infectious diseases, but also introduced specific genus remedies that prevent and cure the acute, half-acute and chronic miasms. The medium for the study of miasmic diseases is the collective anamnesis, which is a disease profile based on the symptoms of a homogenous group of sufferers. On the basis of this collective study, Hahnemann developed an exclusive system for the treatment of the chronic miasms and introduced the materia medica of anti-miasmatic remedies.
Today the study of epidemiology has expanded greatly when compared with the information available in the 19th century. Modern medical sciences are not inherently “allopathic” although much of the material is slanted in that direction. Modern epidemiology should be reviewed from the homœopathic point of view and the information combined with Hahnemann’s methods of investigating the miasms and their remedies. These methods can be used to understand the nature of new miasms that cross species lines due to the abuse of drugs, overpopulation and global warming. In this way, the original theory of the chronic miasms can be used to study the nature of new diseases and furnish genus epidemicus remedies suitable for their prevention and treatment.
Volume III — Psora and Anti-Psoric Treatment offered a detailed description of the nature of the chronic miasms in general and of the itch miasma, psora, in particular. In Hahnemann’s theory, psora is the first infectious miasma, and this itch disease set the pattern for all the miasms that were to follow. Volume III introduces the sine wave model as a means to study the evolutionary pattern of the miasms and their cardinal redline symptoms.
The Miasmatic Sine Wave chart with keynotes can be found at the end of this preface for reference. The acute, half-acute and chronic miasms make up a sine wave with ten phases. On this basis, the portrait of eight universal chronic syndromes has been developed. These eight chronic miasms are: psora (1), sycosis (2), pseudopsora TB (3), syphilis (4), vaccinosis (5), hepatitis (6), lymphosis (7) and HIV/AIDS (8). These miasms can be either acquired or inherited, and in some cases, transmitted by the processes of orthodox immunization.
The positive (+) and negative (−) poles of the sine wave represent the fluctuation of the mistuned vital force under the influence of the miasms. The neutral line (0) of the sine wave represents the balanced terrain of the organism, homeostasis and stable vitality. The positive crest (+) of the sine wave is associated with the non-venereal miasms. These miasmic states produce hyperactivity, pro-inflammatory action, sympatheticotonia and unhealthy catabolic activity. The negative trough (−) is associated with the venereal miasms. These miasmic states produce hypofunction, anti-inflammatory action, vagotonia and unhealthy anabolic activity.
The crest (+) and trough (−) of the first waveform is associated with the acute miasms (A–1) and half-acute miasms (A-2). The first crest (+) represents the sudden alarm reaction associated with acute miasms and rapid crisis (A–1). The first trough (−) represents the more measured reaction to the half-acute miasms (A–2), which characterizes sub-acute states.
The acute sine wave then gives way to the chronic sine wave, which develops more slowly through time and space. This cycle flows through the eight chronic miasms from psora to HIV/AIDS. The teachings introduced in Volume III will now continue with Volume IV — Chronic Miasms and Cancer which presents the symptoms and remedies for the seven remaining chronic miasms and offers a detailed study of the cancer diathesis and its treatment.
Throughout history new miasms have arisen and in the future more miasms will certainly arise. Even during our lifetime humanity witnessed the appearance of a new venereal epidemic, the HIV/AIDS miasma. For this reason, it is the duty of all homœopaths to take Hahnemann’s teachings seriously and bring them up to date for our times and pass them on for the benefit of future generations.
The Founder offered homœopaths effective tools for the study and treatment of the collective miasms. These techniques form the basis of homœopathic epidemiology, which is far more advanced than its orthodox counterpart. Many could not understand the direction Hahnemann was pointing in 1828 as his proposals were far ahead of his times. Even now the Founder’s discoveries are still beyond the comprehension of the common crowd. Nevertheless, it is time for those who care to take up the mantle of the miasmic teachings and contribute to the development of the medicine of the future.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 : Sycosis
The Figwart Miasm
Hahnemann and Venereal Disease
Sycosis 1, HPV the Wart Miasm
Sycosis 2, The Gonorrhoea Miasm
The Anatomy and Physiology of Sycosis
The Sycotic Pathway
Primary Stage Sycosis
Suppression and the Transmission of Sycosis
Latent Secondary Stage Sycosis
Tertiary Stage Sycosis with Pathology
The Treatment of Sycosis
Sycosis and the Psyche
The Confirmatory Symptoms
Diathetic Constitution and Hippocratic Temperaments
Regional Symptoms of Sycosis
Group Anamnesis
Anti-Sycotic Remedies
Anti-Sycotic Remedies in General
Sycosis 1, HPV the Wart Miasm
Sycosis 2, the Gonorrhoea Miasm
Suppressed Gonorrhoea
Gonorrhoea in Male
Gonorrhoea in Female
Chapter 2 : Thuja and Medorrhinum
Hahnemann’s Anti-Sycotic Remedy
Constitution and Stages of Life
Causation and Miasms
Intellect and Emotional Disposition
Physical Generals and Characteristics
Regional Symptoms
The Gonorrhoeal Nosode
Constitution and Stages of Life
Causation and Miasms
Intellect and Emotional Disposition
Physical Generals and Characteristics
Regional Symptoms
Case Histories
Thuja Cases
Medorrhinum Cases
The Reversal of Symptoms
Chapter 3 : Pseudopsora
The Tubercular Miasm
Phthisis and Consumption
Anatomy and Physiology of Pseudopsora
Primary Stage of Tubercular Miasm
Latent Stage of Tubercular Miasm
Secondary Stage of Tubercular Miasm with Pathology
The Prevention of Tuberculosis
Treatment of Active Tuberculosis
Pseudopsora TB and the Psyche
The Confirmatory Symptoms
Diathetic Constitution and Hippocratic Temperaments
Regional Symptoms of Pseudopsora
Group Anamnesis
Anti-Pseudopsoric Remedies
Anti-Pseudopsoric Remedies in General
Prophylaxis in Tuberculosis
Incipient Tuberculosis
Acute or Early Stages of Tuberculosis
Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Apsoric Remedies in Advanced Stages of Tuberculosis
Abdominal or Mesenteric Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis of the Bones
Fever in Tuberculosis
Chapter 4 : Bacillinum and Tuberculinum
The History of the Tubercular Nosodes
Bacillinum Burnett
Constitution and Stages of Life
Causation and Miasms
Intellect and Emotional Disposition
Physical Generals and Characteristics
Regional Symptoms
A Comparative Study
Constitution and Stages of Life
Causation and Miasms
Intellect and Emotional Disposition
Physical Generals and Characteristics
Regional Symptoms
Comparative of the Psyche of Bacillinum and Tuberculinum
Tuberculinum Aviare
Tuberculinum Denys
Tuberculinum Marmorek
Case Histories
Tuberculinum Cases
Bacillinum Cases
Congenital Hydrocephalus
Inherited Tubercular Miasma
Tuberculosis and Cancer
Chapter 5 : Syphilis
The Ulcer Miasm
The Syphilis Epidemic
The Anatomy and Physiology of Syphilis
Primary Stage Syphilis
Secondary Stage Syphilis
Latent Secondary Stage Syphilis
Tertiary Stage Syphilis
Congenital Syphilis
Latent Congenital Syphilis
Tertiary Congenital Syphilis
Tertiary Stage Syphilis with Pathology
The Return of Syphilis
The Treatment of Syphilis
Syphilis and the Psyche
The Confirmatory Symptoms
Diathetic Constitution and Hippocratic Temperaments
Regional Symptoms of Syphilis
Group Anamnesis
Anti-Syphilitic Remedies
Anti-Syphilitic Remedies in General
Primary Lesions and Chancre
Secondary Syphilis
Tertiary Syphilis
Congenital and Hereditary Syphilis
Syphilitic Constitutions
Chapter 6 : Mercury and Syphilinum
Mercurius Solubilis Hahnemanni
Hahnemann’s Anti-Syphilitic Remedy
Constitution and Stages of Life
Causation and Miasms
Intellect and Emotional Disposition
Physical Generals and Characteristics
Regional Symptoms
The Nosode of Syphilis
Constitution and Stages of Life
Causation and Miasms
Intellect and Emotional Disposition
Physical Generals and Characteristics
Regional Symptoms
Case Histories
Mercury Cases
Syphilinum Cases
Inherited Syphilitic Miasm
A Strange Remedy Cure
Chapter 7 : Vaccinosis
The Iatrogenic Miasm
The History of Vaccinosis
Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus (DPT)
Long-Term Effects of Vaccinations
Primary Stage Vaccinosis
Latent Stage Vaccinosis
Treatment of the Vaccine Miasm
Vaccinosis and the Psyche
Regional Symptoms of Vaccinosis
Group Anamnesis
DPT Vaccine
Hepatitis B Vaccine
Measles Vaccine
MMR Vaccine
Mumps Vaccine
Pertussis Vaccine (Whooping Cough)
Polio Vaccine
Rubella Vaccine (German Measles)
Tetanus Vaccine
Varicella Vaccine (Chickenpox)
Anti-Vaccinosis Remedies
Anti-Vaccinosis Remedies in General
Case Histories
A Case of Vaccinosis
Chapter 8 : Hepatitis
The Cirrhosis Miasm
Acute Hepatitis Miasm
Chronic Hepatitis Miasm
Hepatitis and the Psyche
Regional Symptoms of Hepatitis
Group Anamnesis
Anti-Hepatitis Remedies
Anti-Hepatitis Remedies in General
Case Histories
A Hepatitis C Case
Chapter 9 : Lymphosis
The Lymphoreticular Miasm
Glandular Fevers and Chronic Disease
Systemic Lymphangitis
Atypical Mononucleosis
Malignant Lymphoreticular Diseases
Malignant Diseases of the Bone Marrow
Malignant Diseases of the Lymphoid Tissue
Lymphosis and the Psyche
Diathetic Constitution and Hippocratic Temperaments
Regional Symptoms of Lymphosis
Group Anamnesis
Anti-Lymphosis Remedies
Anti-Lymphosis Remedies in General
Case Histories
Beginner’s Luck
Chapter 10 : HIV/AIDS
The Immunodeficiency Miasm
The Mysterious Origins
Anatomy and Physiology of HIV/AIDS
The Susceptibility Factors
The Symptoms of HIV/AIDS
How to Develop a Portrait of a New Miasm
HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment
Primary Stage of HIV/AIDS
Latent Stage of HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS and the Psyche
Regional Symptoms of AIDS
Group Anamnesis
The Anti-HIV/AIDS Remedies
Potential HIV/AIDS Remedies in General
Potential Remedies for the Primary Stage of HIV/AIDS
Potential Remedies for the Latent Stage of HIV/AIDS
Chapter 11 : Cancer
A Homœopathic View
Host Factors
Environmental Factors
Physiology of Cancer Cells
The Three Stages of Cancer
Miasms and Cancer Pathology
Symptoms of Predisposition and Pre-Tumorous Stage
The Incipient Stage of Cancer
The Cancer Remedies
The Cooper Club
Burnett on Cancer
Nosodes in Cancer
Organ and Tissue Remedies
The Work of Doctor Ramakrishnan
An Example of a Complex Disease
Regional Symptoms of Cancer with Remedies
Group Anamnesis
Anti-Cancer Remedies
Anti-Cancer Remedies in General
Chapter 12 : Cadmium Family and Carcinosin
Cadmium Family
Cadmiums in Cancer
Cadmium Metallicum
Cadmium Arsenicosa
Cadmium Bromatum
Cadmium Fluorata
Cadmium Iodatum
Cadmium Oxydatum
Cadmium Sulphuratum
The Cancer Nosode
Constitution and Stages of Life
Causation and Miasms
Intellect and Emotional Disposition
Physical Generals and Characteristics
Regional Symptoms
Case Histories
Cancer Cures
The Cancer was Cured but the Patient Died
Chapter 13 : Comparison of the Chronic Miasms and Cancer
Comparative Anamnesis of Redline Symptoms
Differential Diagnosis
Complex Miasms
Complex Miasms and Layers
Complex Acute Miasms
Complex Psora-Pseudopsora
Complex Psora-Sycosis
Complex Psora-Syphilis
Complex Sycosis-Syphilis
Complex Sycosis-Pseudopsora
Complex Syphilis-Pseudopsora
Complex Psora, Pseudopsora, Sycosis and Syphilis
Diseases Caused by Mixed Miasms
Multi-Miasmic Remedies
A Comparative Table of the Anti-Miasmic Remedies