Homoeopathic Compendium
Volume II : Repertory and Case Management
Key Subjects
- Case taking
- Homoeopathic reference works
- Using the repertory and materia medica
- Treatment strategies
- Case management
- Comparison of C and LM potencies
- Sensitivity, potency, dose and repetition
- Remedy reactions
- Complementary methods of healing

Volume II : Repertory and Case Management is a comprehensive guide to case taking, the use of homoeopathic reference works and case management. The first task of a homoeopathic consultant is to record the case and refer to the repertory and materia medica to find a suitable remedy. The second half of the process is managing the case and completing the cure. Volume II explains these aspects in depth and provides an integrated commentary on aphorisms 72 – 291 of the 6th Organon. It was written with the goal of improving case management procedures and advancing the successful treatment of traumas, acute and chronic diseases and pathological crisis.
Part 1 : Repertory and Materia Medica introduces important homoeopathic reference works and explains their construction and methodology. The original works of Hahnemann, Boenninghausen, Jahr, Hering, Kent and Boger are described in detail with many insights into their use and a comparison of their methods. Materia medicas and repertories represent a very large data base of information which can be overwhelming at first. As one begins to comprehend how to access the wealth of material they contain, then they “come alive” as they reflect the unique characteristics of individual patients.
Part 1 provides instructions on how to assess the complete case history which includes causation, miasms, signs, befallments, symptoms and attending circumstances. Taking a case is more than the mechanical recording of symptoms as it involves the process of judging the characteristic value of symptoms. This leads to the correct choice of remedy and treatment strategy which may be traumatic, acute, chronic, intercurrent, anti-miasmic or prophylactic.
Part 2 : Case Management in the Organon is a study of Hahnemann’s advanced posology methods and case management for the centesimal and 50 millesimal potencies. The text gives practical guidance in selecting the correct potency and dose, judging sensitivity, understanding remedy reactions, knowing when to repeat the dose or change the remedy, correcting diet and lifestyle, removing obstacles to cure and completing the treatment.
Part 3 : The Dynamics describes alternative methods of healing including magnets, electricity, galvanism, massage, hydrotherapy and mesmerism.
Part 1: Repertory and Materia Medica discusses the contributions of Hahnemann, Boenninghausen, Jahr, Hering, Kent and Boger and explains their approaches to the repertory, materia medica and case taking.
- Chapter 1: Homœopathic Reference Works follows the history of the development of the repertory and materia medica from Hahnemann’s days to modern times.
- Chapter 2: Case Taking in the Organon elucidates the Founder’s case taking methods, which are far more extensive than normally appreciated. This section provides practical instruction on how to record causations, miasms, signs, coincidental befallments and symptoms as well as the attending circumstances. These instructions provide the foundation of a complete case history.
- Chapter 3: Hahnemann’s Major Treatment Strategies explains how the Founder administered his chief chronic remedy, the anti-miasmatic remedy, the chronic intercurrent remedy, the acute remedy and homœoprophylaxis.
- Chapter 4: Boenninghausen’s Life and Works reviews the Baron’s grand contributions to Homœopathy. It begins with a short biography of Boenninghausen and then explains his view of constructing a complete symptom (location, sensation, modification and concomitants) and recording a complete case history. It reviews the Baron’s use of analogy and generalization to understand the main characteristic threads of homœopathic remedies. On this foundation, the text presents a detailed discussion of the development, construction and application of his monumental work, The Therapeutic Pocket Book. This work transformed the repertory from a literal index of the materia medica to an advanced system of combining unique symptom segments making characteristic rubrics that the remedy has the potential to cure.
- Chapter 5: Jahr’s Doctrines and Principles introduces the work of G. H. G. Jahr, who is mentioned along with Baron von Boenninghausen in the Organon. This chapter focuses on his work, The Doctrines and Principles of the Entire Theoretical and Practical Homœopathic Art of Healing, which was published in Stuttgart in 1857. In this work Jahr expands the concept of the concomitant symptoms by introducing the “constitutionellen Nebensymptome” i.e., the constitutional additional symptoms. He explains the role of the constitution in Homœopathy and points out that these symptoms often contain the characteristic indications for the choice of the remedy.
- Chapter 6: The Legacy of James Kent discusses the work of the great American homœopath, James Tyler Kent. It begins with a short biography and continues with an explanation of Kent’s philosophical views and clinical methods. This provides the basis for a detailed discussion of the structure and application of Kent’s Repertory. This section offers an analysis based on 114 of Kent’s cases providing a glimpse of how Kent actually practiced in the clinic. It also discusses the influence on Kent of the teachings of the Deist luminary, Emanuel Swedenborg and some of the controversies this has produced.
- Chapter 7: Boger’s Boenninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory begins with a review of Boger’s contributions to Homœopathy. He was a great student of the work of Boenninghausen who expanded on the foundation introduced by the Baron. Boger discussed the ramifications of Boenninghausen’s article A Contribution to the Judgment of the Characteristic Value of the Symptoms in the preface to his Boenninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory. The points of this article are based on an ancient theological hexameter that expounds the seven universal questions; who, what, where, with what, why, in what mode and when? We have provided a detailed commentary on this work for additional insight into the way Boenninghausen approached case taking. This discourse goes far beyond the simple locations, sensations, modifications and concomitants normally associated with the Baron’s work. The chapter concludes with a study of the construction and methodology of Boger’s Boenninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory.
- Chapter 8: Building the Complete Image reviews an article by Boenninghausen called Brief Directions for Forming a Complete Image of a Disease for the Sake of Homœopathic Treatment. This section is based on a case taking questionnaire that Boenninghausen sent to his patients who were being treated through the mail. This “brief” questionnaire is a very large case taking form that provides example questions with different options for all of the regions contained in the materia medica. These practical instructions can be used as a guide to taking a complete case as well as providing the basis of an excellent questionnaire to be filled in by the patient before consultation.
- Chapter 9: Boger’s Synoptic Key and General Analysis continues the study of C. M. Boger’s works. Boger, like Boenninghausen, was known for his proficiency in making generalizations and uncovering the essential themes of a remedy. He was personally responsible for preserving many of the teachings of Boenninghausen and offering them to new generations of homœopaths. The Synoptic Key is a small repertory and materia medica of the highest quality. General Analysis is a small pamphlet and card repertory that contained only general symptoms. These complementary works offer an understanding of what Boger considered the most important characteristic symptoms of the major proven remedies.
- Chapter 10: The Synthetic Approach reviews the similarities and differences found in the repertories of Boenninghausen, Kent and Boger and discusses how to overcome any seeming contradictions in their approaches. It also discusses the application of analogy, generalization and redistribution to the study of the materia medica in natural classifications such as the groups of the periodic table and plant and animal families. This section includes a practical example of these methods by offering a new group study of the Euphorbiaceae Family. This chapter concludes with a case taken from Boenninghausen’s journals which was submitted to a group of homœopaths for repertorization and analysis. It offers a comparative review of the case taken with Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket Book and Kent’s Repertory and assesses the results.
Part 2: Case Management in the Organon is a comprehensive study of Hahnemann’s advanced posology methods and case management procedures for the C and LM potency.
- Chapter 11: One-Sided Disease provides a study of one-sided disease, including cases with few symptoms, one-sided mental disorders and the treatment of mental illness.
- Chapter 12: Intermittent Diseases examines disease states marked by alternating states and intermittent fevers including malaria, which affects great numbers of people in Asia and Africa and may return to more northern climates due to global warming. This endemic miasm is one of the leading causes of death in Africa and South Asia. This section presents a modern study of the treatment of malaria by homœopathic remedies in India.
- Chapter 13: The Middle Path reviews Hahnemann’s advanced posology methods and case management procedures for the C and LM potency. It begins with a review of the techniques of the 4th and 5th Organon and then proceeds to note the changes to these methods found in the 6th edition. This section includes a detailed study of aphorism 246, which teaches the use of a single dose in clearly progressive strikingly increasing ameliorations as well as repeating the remedy to speed the cure of slowly improving cases. This section offers examples of single dose cures with the LM potency even in chronic cases.
- Chapter 14: Speeding the Cure offers a detailed commentary to aphorism 248, which teaches the practitioner the preparation and application of the C and LM potency in medicinal solution as well as by olfaction. It discusses the repetition of remedies in acute and chronic diseases and teaches one how to manage a case from the beginning to the end of treatment.
- Chapter 15: A Comparison of the C and LM Potency starts with an article called The Mathematical Evaluation of the C and LM Potencies, written for the author by Srinivas Sonti, PH.D. This article provides a mathematical analysis of the pharmaceutical preparations of the LM potencies and compares this with the centesimal potencies. It explains Avogadro’s number and its relationship to mineral, plant and animal remedies. For the first time, it gives the exact details of when the various preparations of the LM potency become immaterial. The second half of the chapter is a review by the author of the different medicinal qualities of the C and LM potency from the clinical point of view. This information helps one understand the similarities and differences of the C and LM potency and when one might be more appropriate than the other.
- Chapter 16: Sensitivity, Potency, Dose and Repetition provides the information required to select the size of the dose and the potency degree. It reviews twelve factors that are important in determining the susceptibility of the patient to homœopathic remedies so that aggravations can be prevented as much as possible. This study includes an assessment of Hahnemann’s sensitivity scale, natural temperaments, the condition of the vital force, the nature, stage and degree of the disease state, age factors, the differences in sexes, environmental factors, lifestyle, symptom patterns and previous treatments. It also discusses the difficulties associated with treating patients who are extremely hyposensitive and hypersensitive as well as those who are prone to idiosyncratic reactions to homœopathic remedies.
- Chapter 17: A Study of Remedy Reactions teaches how to recognize the differences between pure amelioration, similar aggravations, dissimilar aggravations, accessory symptoms and the signs associated with the proper direction of cure. It teaches one how to recognize a true simillimum from a partial simillimum and the wrong remedy. It also reviews the case management strategies associated with the phenomena of aggravation in acute and chronic diseases and how to correct cases disrupted by partial simillimums and incorrect remedies. It ends with a commentary on Kent’s prognosis by aggravation and brings the material up to date according to new information.
- Chapter 18: Diet and Regimen During Treatment reviews the importance of diet and lifestyle during the course of treatment and discusses the removal of obstacles to the cure.
- Chapter 19: Alternative Delivery Systems teaches the proper use of olfaction, dermal application and special methods for treating the mother, fetus and infant.
Part 3: The Dynamics are healing techniques that are beyond the scope of the mineral, plant and animal remedies found in the materia medica.
- Chapter 20: The Healing Arts describes alternative methods of healing found in the writings of Samuel Hahnemann. This includes the use of magnets, electricity, galvanism, massage, hydrotherapy and Mesmerism. Discussions of these subjects may be found in aphorisms 286 to 291 of the Organon.
Volume II — Repertory and Case Management provides detailed information on the subjects of case taking and case management. This book acts as a full commentary on aphorisms 72 to 291 of the Organon of the Healing Art. The first task of a homœopathic consultation is recording the case history and referring to the repertory and materia medica. A well taken case history makes a solid foundation on which the treatment plan is based. The case taking process assesses the psychological and physiological state of the patient through the essential elements of the totality of the symptoms. Taking a case is far more than the mechanical recording of all symptoms as it involves the process of judging the characteristic value of the symptoms. This is what allows the homœopath to separate those symptoms that are common to all diseases from those symptoms that are striking, exceptional, unusual or oddly characteristic of the patient’s complaint. These redline characteristic symptoms are those that make each individual disease state stand out as unique and leads to the selection of the correct remedy.
The homœopathic reference works represent a very large data base of causes, signs, symptoms and circumstances. The foundation is the materia medica, which is based on traditional sources, toxicology, provings on the healthy and symptoms brought out on patients under treatment. The symptoms are recorded under the names of the remedies and the rubrics are arranged from the mind to the extremities in a specific order. The repertory acts as an index of symptoms that have been redacted and redistributed in chapters by anatomical regions, similar to the arrangement of the materia medica. These twin works contain 100,000s of rubrics that are used to investigate potential remedies for a unique individual or a group suffering from a collective illness based on a common cause.
The sheer volume of information contained in the repertory and materia medica can be quite overwhelming for beginners and experienced practitioners alike. At first, the idea of learning how to use the repertory and materia medica baffles the intellect and boggles the emotional mind. All those who practice classical Homœopathy have gone through this experience. Some persons are so overpowered by the challenge that they seek short cuts that seem easier in the beginning but limit one’s growth potential in the end. Nevertheless, as one begins to comprehend how these reference works are arranged, and starts to access the wealth of information which they contain, a whole new world of understanding opens up. As time goes on the repertory and materia medica are no longer just a list of causes, signs, symptoms and circumstances on paper. These reference works begin to “come alive” in the way that they reflect the confusions, hopes, fears, aversions, attractions, sensations and circumstances of individual patients. The totality of these states makes up a whole that is more than the sum of its parts. Hahnemann called this holographic vision of the mistuned vital force, the Gestalt of the disease.
Recording the case history and finding the correct remedy or remedies through the repertory and materia medica is only the first half of the process of cure. The second half of the process is managing the case and completing the cure. This procedure involves selecting the correct potency and dose, understanding remedy reactions, deciding if and when to repeat the remedy, recognizing when to change the remedy, correcting the diet and regimen, removing obstacles to the cure and knowing how to complete the treatment.
Unfortunately, modern homœopathic education has been somewhat lacking in these areas. Some homœopaths do not know the major remedy reactions that allow one to recognize when they have given the right remedy, dose and potency; when they have given the right remedy but in the wrong dose or potency; when they have given the completely wrong remedy; and when they have given only a partially fitting remedy. Every practitioner should recognize these positive and negative signs and learn the corrective measures that remove any potential side actions that might pose obstacles to the cure. These are part of the checks and balances that make Homœopathy a safe and effective system.
There are one-sided constitutionalists that do not understand how to treat acute diseases or an acute-like flare up of a chronic state. They only administer what they call “constitutional remedies”. Some maintain that one should not treat any acute diseases or pathological crises because it may spoil the case. They send people for antibiotics, pain killers, and other drugs rather than treat these states by homœopathic means. They somehow imagine that the suppression of acute inflammation and infections with allopathic drugs is better than using acute intercurrent remedies. What would Samuel Hahnemann have to say about this? Is it really the best way of managing serious crises?
Suppressing acute crisis or an acute-like flare up of a chronic state with drugs can be risky and has a negative effect on the constitutional state. Drug intervention masks symptoms and changes the internal terrain in such a fashion that complicates rather than simplifies chronic treatment. I can understand using antibiotics or life-saving drugs in a real emergency but to say that giving drugs is safer than using acute or crisis remedies is going too far. First and foremost, Homœopathy is a system of flexible response that includes first aid and traumatic remedies, acute intercurrents, chronic remedies, chronic intercurrents and homœoprophylaxis. This treasury of medicinal powers allows for the treatment of a wide variety of complaints and the management of patients in any stage of disease.
The successful homœopathic treatment of acute disease or an acute-like flare-up of a chronic disease strengthens the constitution and increases resistance toward similar problems in the future. In fact, good acute treatment regularizes the layers of disease and opens the constitution to successful chronic treatment. The use of acute intercurrents and complementary chronic remedies is like a “one-two punch” that can knock out obstacles to the cure produced by crises and advance the chronic treatment. Volume II — Repertory and Case Management was written with the goal of filling in the lacunas in modern case management procedures and advancing the successful treatment of traumas, acute diseases, chronic diseases and one-sided pathological crisis.
Table of Contents
Part 1 : Repertory and Materia Medica
Chaper 1 : Homœopathic Reference Works
Development of the Repertory and Materia Medica
The Fragmenta and Symptomlexicon (1805–1817)
Boenninghausen’s Repertories (1832, 1835, 1846)
Jahr’s Repertory and Materia Medica (1834–1849)
T. F. Allen’s Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica (1874)
Hering’s Life and Works (1800–1880)
Hering’s Analytical Repertory of the Symptoms of the Mind (1875–1881)
Hering’s Guiding Symptoms (1879–1891)
Knerr’s Repertory of Hering’s Guiding Symptoms (1896)
Kent’s Repertory (1897)
J. H. Clarke’s Dictionary (1900)
Boger’s Major Works (1905, 1915, 1928)
Phatak’s Repertory (1963) and Materia Medica (1977)
Commentaries on the Materia Medica
Important Materia Medicas and Commentaries
Keynote Materia Medicas
The Development of the Repertory since Hahnemann’s Time
The Repertory and Materia Medica of Today
Chapter 2 : Case Taking in The Organon
The Foundation
Aphorism 5, Causation, Miasms and Attendant Circumstances
The Complete Case History
The Nature of Acute Disease (§72)
The Nature of the Chronic Diseases (§78)
The Seven Major Attendant Circumstances (§5)
1. The Discernible Bodily Constitution (The Condition of the Body)
Diathetic Constitutions
2. The Intellectual and Emotional Character
Components of the Psyche
Seele (Soul)
Geist (Rational Spirit or Intellect)
Gemuet (Emotional Disposition)
3. The Occupation
4. Lifestyles and Habits
5. Civic and Domestic Relationships
6. Age
7. Sex and Sexuality
Gestalt-Patterns in Homœopathy
Cause and Coincidence
Symptoms and Circumstances (§7, §18, §24)
Wesen, the Esse
Filling in the Details
First Stage of Case Taking
Second Stage of Case Taking
Third Stage of Case Taking
Fourth Stage of Case Taking
The Physical Examination
Management of the Patient on Drugs
Diseases Based on a Striking Event and Concealment of Symptoms
Case Taking in Females
Accompanying Befallments and Symptoms
The Psychological Profile
A Review of Aphorisms 82 through 99
Recording Diseases of Common Cause and Similar Symptoms
Follow-Up Consultations
Essence/Inbegriff and Totality/Gesammtheit
Esse, Nature and Totality
Striking, Extraordinary, Unusual, Odd Characteristics
Types of Striking, Extraordinary, Unusual, Odd Characteristics
Importance of Mental Symptoms
Sensations As If
Chapter 3 : Hahnemann’s Major Treatment Strategies
A System of Flexible Response
Apsoric and Anti-Psoric Remedies
Hahnemann’s Methodologies
1. The Chief Chronic Remedy
2. The Anti-Miasmatic Remedy
Diathetic Constitutions and the Inherited Miasms
3. Chronic Intercurrent Remedy
Hering’s Nosodes as Chronic Intercurrents
Intercurrents in One-Sided States
4. The Acute Remedy
Acute Intercurrents
Traumatic Remedies
Remedies for Acute Miasms
Suppression in Acute Disease
Boenninghausen on Acute Intercurrents
5. Homœoprophylaxis
Bringing Hahnemann’s Methods Up-to-Date
A Review of Hahnemann’s Five Major Treatment Strategies
The Widest Circle of Symptoms
Chapter 4 : Boenninghausen’s Life and Works
The Therapeutic Pocket Book
A Short Biography of Boenninghausen (1785–1864)
The Complete Symptom
Analogy in Agreement with Experience
The Development of the Therapeutic Pocket Book
The Construction of the Therapeutic Pocket Book
Boenninghausen and the Mental Rubrics
Concordance of Remedies
Examples of the Use of the Concordance
Antidotes and Cure
The Mystery of the Therapeutic Pocket Book
Constructing Characteristic Symptoms
Doctor Roberts’ Case
One-Sided Cases and the Therapeutic Pocket Book
Some Criticisms of the Therapeutic Pocket Book
Boenninghausen’s Prescriptions
Chapter 5 : Jahr’s Doctrines and Principles
The Pathognomic and Constitutional Symptoms
Constitution and Chronic Diseases
Clinical Applications
Chapter 6 : The Legacy of James Kent
The Shaping of a Paradigm
A Star is Born!
Hering and Hempel
Kent’s Philosophy
From Within to Without
Uncovering the Essence
The Hierarchy of Symptoms
Review of the Hierarchy of Symptoms
The History of Kent’s Repertory
The Layout of Kent’s Repertory
The Arrangement of the Rubrics in Kent’s Repertory
Boenninghausen and Kent
How to Arrange the Rubrics for Analysis
Relative Valorization
Vertical and Horizontal Relationships
Kent’s Personal Advice
Cases from Kent’s Journals
Example 1: The Supremacy of the Mental Symptoms
Example 2: Keynotes, Redline Symptoms and Generals
Example 3: The Chronic Miasms and Nosodes
Criticisms of Kent’s Works
Kent and Swedenborg
Constitutional Prescribing
Kent’s Repertory
Animalcule, Miasms and Zymes
Chapter 7 : Boger’s Boenninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory
The Characteristic Value of Symptoms
Boger’s Contribution
Judgment Concerning the Characteristic Value of Symptoms
1. Quis?
Who Suffers?
Constitution and Temperament
2. Quid?
What Kind of Disease Do They Suffer?
3. Ubi?
4. Quibus Auxiliis?
With What Does It Come?
Concomitant Symptoms
Bringing Order Out of Chaos
The Genius of the Remedy
5. Cur?
Why Do They Suffer?
The Chronic Diseases
Individual and Collective Causes
The Categories of Causation
1. Proximate Cause
2. Occasional Causes and Acute Disease (§5, §73)
3. Fundamental Causes (Organon §5, §78–§81)
4. Maintaining Causes (§7, §77, §224)
5. Poisons and Toxic Causes
6. Iatrogenic Disease
7. Traumatic Injuries
A Concise Review of the Aetiological Constellation
6. Quomodo?
What Modalities?
7. Quando?
A Concise Review of Boenninghausen’s Seven Rubrics
The Methodology of Boenninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory
Boger’s Boenninghausen’s Repertory
The Mind Section of Boenninghausen’s Repertory
The Regions of the Body
Elimination Rubrics
Confirmatory Questions and Differential Rubrics
A Case Based on Generalization
An Example of Paired Concomitants
Chapter : 8 Building the Complete Image
The Portrait of the Disease
Recording the Case History
Chapter 9 : Boger’s Synoptic Key and General Analysis
The Central General Method
Boger’s Legacy
The Synoptic Key
General Analysis and the Card Index Repertory
An Example Case Using the Card Index Repertory
Chapter 10 : The Synthetic Approach
Bringing it All Together
The Major Threads
Kent’s Above to Below Method
Boenninghausen’s Below to Above Method
Boger’s Central General Method
Two Paths to the Same Remedy
Large, Small and Lesser Known Remedies
Developing a Portrait of a Lesser Known Remedy
Analogy and Generalization
A Smaller Remedy Prescription
Analogy, Generalization and Redistribution in Remedy Selection
New Methods
Crisis in Classical and Contemporary Thought
The Gestalt of the Disease
The Genus Materia Medica, Euphorbiaceae Family
A Case from Boenninghausen’s Notebook
Applying the Characteristic Symptoms
Boenninghausen’s Case
The Baron’s Prescription
The Follow-Up Consultation
The Baron’s Second Prescription
Synthetic Repertories and the Materia Medica
Part 2 : Case Management in the Organon
Chapter 11 : One-Sided Disease
Treating Cases with Few Symptoms
The Early Materia Medica
Patients with Few Symptoms
Internal One-Sided Diseases450
External One-Sided Diseases Called Local Maladies
Small Remedies in One-Sided Cases
The Treatment of Mental Illness
Mental Illness in Early Homœopathy
Psyche and Psora
Acute Mental Crisis
Diseases Spun and Maintained by the Soul
Mental Illnesses Caused by Miasms
Chapter 12 : Intermittent Diseases
Alternating States
Two Types of Intermittent Disease
Intermittent Fevers
Group Anamnesis in Intermittent Fever
China in Marsh Miasma
Modern Studies in India
Chapter 13 : The Middle Path
Assessing the New Method and Aphorism 246
Refining the Paradigm
Aphorism 246 of the 6th Organon
A Perceptibly Progressive and Strikingly Increasing Amelioration
Single Dose LM Cures
Arthritis in a Mother of Two
A Strict Disciplinarian
Chronic Fatigue with Great Restlessness
Cases from Chris Kulz
A Veterinary Case
Speeding the Cure of Slowly Responding Cases
When Necessary!
The Case of Madame Lancing
The Unmodified Dose
Chapter 14 : Speeding the Cure
Repeating the Dose and Aphorism 248
The Preparation of the Medicinal Solution
The Dose from the Medicinal Solution
The Dose from the Dilution Glass
Potentize Anew the Medicinal Solution
A Concise Review of Making the Medicinal Solution
How to Prepare the Dropper Bottle Solution
Subtle Adjustments of the Dose
Examples of Adjusting the Dose
Succussions Versus Increasing the Size of the Dose
Administering the Remedy
Repetition in Acute Diseases
Repetition in Chronic Disease
Raising the Potencies and the Case of Mr Tailles
The Life Force and the Time of Cure
Changes of Symptoms and the Second Prescription
Layers and Complex Disease
Times of Critical Transformation
Recording the Timeline
Aggravation at the End of Treatment
How to Complete a Cure
Olfaction and the Case of Mr Tarbocher
The 7th Organon
A New Edition of The Chronic Diseases
The Meeting Point of the Collective and Individual
Chapter 15 : A Comparison of the C and LM Potency
A Mathematical Summary
Understanding the Paradigm Shift
The Mother of All Potencies
The Development of the LM Potency
Mathematical Evaluation of the C and LM Potencies
1. Introduction
2. Basic Calculations
3. Equivalent Centesimal Potencies / Number of Molecules
4. The 4 oz (120 ml) Medicinal Solution of the LM 0/1 Potency
5. LM 0/2 and its Corresponding Values
6. LM 0/3 and its Corresponding Values
7. Summary of LM 0/1 and LM 0/2
8. Conclusion
A Summary of Medicinal Qualities of the C and LM Potency
Boenninghausen’s Testament
The Differences between the C and LM Potencies
Aggravation in the 5th Edition
Primary and Secondary Actions
Opposing Secondary Actions
Curative Action
The Actions of the Centesimal Remedies
The Actions of the LM Potencies
Administering the LM Potencies
Chapter 16 : Sensitivity, Potency, Dose and Repetition
Potency Factors
The Twelve Factors
1. Susceptibility and the Sensitivity Scale
The Average Sensitivity
2. Natural Temperament
3. The State of the Vital Force
4. Nature, Stage and Degree of the Disease State
5. Age
6. Sex
7. Environment and Climate
8. Life Styles and Habits
9. Personal Idiosyncrasies
10. The Nature of the Remedy
11. The Nature of the Symptoms
12. Previous Treatment
Changes in Adaptation and Sensitivity in Contemporary Times
Modifications in Posology and Case Management
A Summary of Sensitivity, Potency and Dose
Idiosyncratic Reactions to Homœopathic Remedies
The Importance of the Size of the Dose
An Example of a Serious Overdose
Exceptions to the Rule
The Case of Madame Hoeguant
Chapter 17 : A Study of Remedy Reactions
Aggravation and Amelioration
True Simillimum
Understanding Aggravations
Similar Aggravations
Aggravation in Acute Disease
Aggravation in Chronic Diseases
Assessing the Dose Through the Mental Symptoms
How to Manage Similar Aggravations
Dissimilar Aggravations and their Case Management
Accessory Symptoms and Partial Simillimums
When the Remedy Does Not Hold
Suppression and Partial Simillimums
Antagonistic Counter-Actions of the Vital Force
A Natural Healing Crisis
Antidotal Treatment
A Review of Symptoms that Arise During Treatment
Kent’s Prognosis by Aggravation
Chapter 18 : Diet and Regimen During Treatment
Counseling in Homœopathy
Diet and Lifestyle
Regimen During Acute Diseases
Materia Medica as a Guide to Counseling
Chapter 19 : Alternative Delivery Systems
Beyond the Oral Dose
Dermal Application
Treatment of the Mother, Fetus and Infant
Part 3 : The Dynamics
Chapter 20 : The Healing Arts
Complementary Methods
Hahnemann and Natural Healing
Magnetism, Electromagnetism, and Galvanism
Mesmerism and Animal Magnetism
Hering on the Dynamics
Applying the Principles of the Organon