Homoeopathic Compendium
Volume I : History and Philosophy
Key Subjects
- History and development of Homoeopathy
- Works of Samuel Hahnemann and the early homoeopaths
- Commentary on Organon
- Principles of Homoeopathy
- Images and cases from Hahnemann’s casebooks

Volume I : History and Philosophy is a comprehensive foundation study which supplies the background necessary to understand homoeopathic principles and clinical practice. The text provides an integrated commentary on the Introduction and first 71 Aphorisms of the 6th Organon which reveals many lost teachings and hidden gems of Hahnemann’s work. Volume I was written with the aim of providing practitioners with a thorough education in all important aspects of Homoeopathy and the flexibility to respond to a wide variety of clinical situations.
Homoeopathy is the outcome of a Vitalist philosophy of medicine that has its roots in ancient India, Egypt and Greece. Our historical review begins with Pythagoras, Hippocrates and the Greek naturalists and follows the history of the healing arts up to the time of Samuel Hahnemann. The story continues with a study of Hahnemann’s development of the homoeopathic system. The commentary gives an insightful view into his bio-medical model and its numerous range of practical applications.
Part 1 : The Foundation presents a detailed account of Hahnemann’s medical practice from his first works in the 1790s to his final cases in Paris in 1843. This assessment draws on the six editions of the Organon, biographies, letters and the Founder’s casebooks. The historical approach provides an understanding of the evolution of Hahnemann’s philosophy and clinical methods and removes many misunderstandings about the nature of his work in different periods.
Part 2 : Homoeopathic Philosophy discusses the most important principles of Homoeopathy. Subjects include the homoeopathic Decalogue, Hahnemann’s biomedical model, the vitalist paradigm, the laws of natural healing, acute and chronic diseases and epedemiology.
Part 1: The Foundation provides a review of medical history and continues with a study of Hahnemann’s life and works.
- Chapter 1: Medical History and Homœopathy describes medical history from the Homœopathic point of view and shows how the teachings of Pythagoras, Hippocrates and Paracelsus set the stage for Hahnemann’s revelations. It also looks at the practice of medicine during Samuel Hahnemann’s time so that it becomes easier to understand the environment in which the Founder lived and practiced.
- Chapter 2: Asclepius in the Balance covers the life and early works of Hahnemann from his birth in 1755 to the 1820s. This section explains the teachings of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Organon and examines Hahnemann’s German casebook D22 (1821). This offers an essential glimpse into the Founder’s early years making it easier to understand the depth of Hahnemann’s later teachings.
- Chapter 3: The Watershed Years (1828–1830) is a chronicle of the years during which Homœopathy reached full maturity and Hahnemann introduced his teachings on constitution, temperament, heredity, the vital force and the chronic miasms in The Chronic Diseases. It also evaluates the methods of the 4th Organon (1829), which teaches the most evolved version of the single dose wait and watch method. These are the methods used by a majority of contemporary homœopaths.
- Chapter 4: The Homœopathy of the 1830s assesses the era of the 5th Organon and its innovations. In this edition Hahnemann introduced the “middle path” which teaches the proper time to use the single remedy wait and watch method and when to repeat the remedy at suitable intervals to speed the cure in slow-moving cases. Hahnemann also introduced the use of higher potencies beyond 30C up to 300C. Around the same time,the early experiments of General Korsakov expanded the range of centesimal potencies up to 1000 and 1500. The chapter continues with a commentary on Hahnemann’s advanced views on individual and collective causation and a historical assessment of the development of diseases of civilization. There is a review of Hahnemann’s German casebook D38(1833–1835), which offers insights into his clinical methods around the time of the 5th Organon.
- Chapter 5: The Early Paris Epoch (1835–1839) covers the era when Samuel met his second wife, Melanie, and moved to Paris. During this time the Founder began to introduce a new series of revisions to the methods he used in his earlier career. This section describes Hahnemann’s early experiments with the medicinal solution and divided doses and explains why he moved away from using dry pellets as a delivery system. It contains information from Hahnemann’s Paris casebook DF-2 (1835 to 1836) which records his earliest use of the medicinal solution with a dilution glass. This section also presents the information found in the 1837 Preface to The Chronic Diseases and offers a detailed case history from the Paris casebook (DF-5) covering the same year.
- Chapter 6: Hering’s Contributions describes the innovative methods which Constantine Hering introduced during the 1830s. This includes the introduction of the nosodes and presents a unique case history in which Hahnemann used an auto-nosode of phthisis (TB) on one of his patients. It also reviews the works of Johann Wilhelm Lux and his teachings on Isopathy.
- Chapter 7: Jenichen’s High Potencies presents the life and work of Caspar Julius Jenichen, and his contribution to the development of high potencies. There is a analysis of his pharmaceutical methods including the testimony of Bonninghausen and Hering who used his remedies in their practice.
- Chapter 8: The Homœopathy of the 1840s investigates the period in which Hahnemann wrote the 6th Organon and introduced the LM potency. It provides a detailed assessment of the nature of the Paris casebooks and the information which they contain. It ends with an extensive statistical study of Hahnemann’s use of the 50 millesimal potencies based the author’s research and the works of Ubiratan and Maristela Adler.
- Chapter 9: Hahnemann’s Case Management in Paris provides an evaluation of a LM case history sent by Hahnemann to Baron von Boenninghausen in 1843. It also reviews a letter from Dr. Croserio which answers Boenninghausen’s questions about how the Founder used these remedies. It ends with a series of case histories from the Paris casebooks that gives an insight into how Hahnemann treated his patients in his last years.
- Chapter 10: The Case of Robert Everest is an extensive study of a case history from the Paris casebook DF-14 that shows how Hahnemann used the C and LM potency in 1843. It reveals an in-depth view of the Founder’s posology methods and case management strategies in his final months of practice.
- Chapter 11: The Aftermath tells of the passing of Samuel Hahnemann, and describes the life and career of Melanie Hahnemann after his death. It traces the history of the manuscript of the 6th Organon until its publication in 1921. The last section discusses some of the common misunderstandings about the Founder’s final clinical practice.
- Chapter 12: History of Mechanized Potentizers is a study of the machines that have been used to make homœopathic remedies from the late 1830’s up to the present day. The original production of high potencies by hand proved to be a laborious process. For this reason, pioneers such as Drs Mure, Dunham, Finke, Swan, Skinner, Kent and others developed potentizers that worked on a variety of principles. The study brings us up to date with an examination of the modern potentizers now used by pharmacies around the world.
Part 2: Homœopathic Philosophy discusses Hahnemann’s biomedical model, the laws of natural healing and acute, half-acute and chronic diseases.
- Chapter 13: The Homœopathic Decalogue presents ten of the most important principles of Hahnemann’s teachings. These key elements include dynamism, treatment by similars, proven medicines, the single remedy, the minimal dose, potentised remedies, individual and collective disease, suppression and the laws of natural healing.
- Chapter 14: Hahnemann’s Biomedical Model reviews the vitalist paradigm and the role played by the vital force in maintaining health and producing the symptoms of disease. This section also discusses Hahnemann’s action-reaction model and explains how homœopathic remedies cure.
- Chapter 15: The Laws of Natural Healing studies susceptibility, how dissimilar diseases form layers and complex diseases, and assesses the nature of various primary and secondary actions. It also contains a detailed study of the law of cure as presented in Hering’s Preface to the 1845 American edition of The Chronic Diseases and other writings. This is one of the most comprehensive commentaries on the direction of cure ever written.
- Chapter 16: Acute, Half-Acute and Chronic Diseases contains a discourse on the nature of acute diseases, acute miasms, half-acute diseases, chronic conditions caused by maintaining causes and chronic miasms.
- Chapter 17: The Prevention and Treatment of Epidemics explains the method known as Homœoprophylaxis, which is the prevention of infectious diseases with homœopathic remedies.
Volume I — History and Philosophy uses the history of medicine in general, and of Homœopathy in particular, to supply the background necessary to understand homœopathic philosophy and clinical practice. This work acts as a detailed commentary on the Introduction and first 71 aphorisms of the 6th Organon, which set the stage for the following aphorisms. I believe the study of medical history and its related fields of philosophy are essential to being a true healing artist. It is important for healers to understand the seeds, roots and branches of their profession so they can see the bigger picture. That is why Samuel Hahnemann begins the Organon of the Healing Art with a review of medical history brought up to date for his times. Through a thorough study of history one comes to know what should be preserved and developed from what should be rejected and left behind.
Homœopathy did not develop in isolation. It is the outcome of a vitalist philosophy that has its roots in ancient India, Egypt and Greece, and reached its zenith in the West with the teachings of Pythagoras, Hippocrates and the Greek naturalists. They taught that sickness was caused by natural phenomena not occult forces and could be healed by natural medicine. The source of disease was a matter of inherited predispositions, acquired diseases, wrong living and environmental influences. This is the prime reason Hippocrates is called the Father of western medicine. He developed a clinical system based on observation of causes, symptoms and circumstances. He had the greatest respect for Physis, the natural healing power of nature, and he avoided any harmful treatment that might weaken vitality. For this reason, he used single remedies in small doses, and made corrections in life style and hygiene.
After reviewing the Golden Age of Greece our study follows the development of the healing arts in Europe up until the time of Doctor Hahnemann. Samuel was a keen student of Hippocrates and integrated many of his teachings into the greater body of Homœopathy. In many ways Hahnemann was the “second Hippocrates” as he made the most significant contribution to Western medicine since 500 BC Homœopathy is the Medicine of the Future and this school of “energy healing” is still far ahead of its time. One day Samuel Hahnemann will be recognized as the Founder of truly modern medicine and take his rightful place next to Hippocrates in the history of medicine.
Our study continues with a detailed review of Samuel Hahnemann’s medical practice from his first works in the 1790s to his final cases in Paris in 1843. This assessment draws heavily on material found in the six editions of the Organon, autobiographies, letters and the Founder’s German and French casebooks. This material provides an understanding of the evolution of Hahnemann’s philosophy and clinical methods and removes many misunderstandings about the nature of his work in different periods.
There are many different schools of Homœopathy that claim they are practicing the teachings of Samuel Hahnemann. Some practice pathological prescribing using tinctures, low potencies and alternations or a series of remedies at short intervals. Others rely exclusively on subjective general symptoms, use a single remedy in very high potencies and wait long periods of time. Some speak in terms of treating diseases while others speak of treating the patient not the disease. Some say that causation does not matter as all one needs is the totality of the symptoms while others say the true cause is the chronic miasms which must be removed. Some only use the C potency in the dry dose while others only use the LM potency in medicinal solution. Some persons feel that the way they practice is the only “pure Homœopathy” and what others are doing is “wrong”. This, of course, leads to endless debates and arguments that do little to resolve conflicts or further the cause of Homœopathy.
In truth all these methods have their origin in the teachings of Samuel Hahnemann but from different epochs surrounding the six editions of the Organon. Some practices reflect the philosophy of the 1st through 3rd Organon while others are based on the 4th, 5th or 6th editions. They are all valid in their own paradigms yet none of them stands in isolation from the others as an absolute. Together they represent a vast amount of experience spread out over nearly half a century. In Hahnemann’s advanced teachings all of these methods may be useful but one must know when one or the other is the most appropriate. This is the key to what Hahnemann called the middle path.
One case may require a low potency while another might need higher potencies, or perhaps a patient needs to work through several potencies from low to high. One patient may need an alternation or series of remedies while another may only need one single remedy to complete the cure. One person might need a daily or alternate day dose while another only needs the remedy very infrequently. In one case the totality of the symptoms may be sufficient while in another case knowledge of causation or miasms might make the difference between success and failure. One patient may do better on the C potency while another may do better on the LM potency. Another patient may need both the C and LM potency but at different times. The true healing artist must act according to the time and circumstances not by a preconceived notion that one method suits all patients at all times regardless of the situation. Volume I — History and Philosophy was written with the aim of providing practitioners with the flexibility necessary to respond to a wide variety of clinical situations.
Table of Contents
Part 1 : The Foundation
Chapter 1 : Medical History and Homœopathy
The Early Period
Ancient Medicine
The Asclepiads
Pythagoras and the Greek Renaissance
Music of the Spheres
The Hippocratic School
Hippocratic Temperaments
Moderation in All Things
The Atomists
Greco-Roman Medicine
Galenic Medicine
Rise of Christianity and Islam
Western European Medicine
The Inquisition
The Renaissance
Paracelsus (1493–1541)
The New Medicine
The Scientific Revolution
The Age of Reason
Birth of a New Medicine
Medicine of the 19th Century
Miasms and Similars
Pasteur, Bechamp and Bernarde
Medicine of the 20th Century
Medicina Futura
Modern Medicine
Chapter 2 : Asclepius in the Balance
Samuel Hahnemann’s Early Medical Practice
Birth (1755)
Childhood in Meissen
University Days (1775)
Hahnemann’s Early Practice of Medicine (1780)
Samuel Renounces Orthodox Medicine (c. 1783–1784)
Cullen’s Materia Medica and the First Proving (1790)
Hahnemann and Mental Health (1792–1793)
Essay on a New Principle (1796)
In Search of the Minimal Dose
Medicine of Experience (1805)
Fragmenta de Viribus Medicamentorum (1805)
What are Poisons? What are Medicines? (1806)
The 1st Organon (1810)
Materia Medica Pura (1811–1821)
The Early Group Anamnesis (1813)
Sources of the Common Materia Medica (1817)
The Introduction of Sulphur to the Materia Medica (1818)
The 2nd Organon (1819) and 3rd Organon (1824)
Hahnemann’s German Casebook D22 (1821)
The Foundation of a New Medicine
Chapter 3 : The Watershed Years (1828–1830)
The 1st Chronic Diseases and 4th Organon
The Introduction of Homœopathic Pathology
The Itch Disease in Early Homœopathy
New Remedies
The Origin of Psora
Epidemiology in Homœopathy
The Great Debate
The Treatment of Chronic Diseases
The Medicinal Solution in The Chronic Diseases
The Vital Force in the 4th Organon (1829)
Exciting and Fundamental Causes
The Wait and Watch Method of the 4th Organon
Posology Methods and Delivery Systems
Hahnemann Restricts Potency to 30C
The Limit Maker
Chapter 4 : The Homœopathy of the 1830s
Korsakov’s High Potencies
Information Technology
Medicating the Globules
Mode of Propagation and the High Potencies
The Single Vial Method
Transmission of Medicinal Powers and Grafting
Experience with the High Potencies
Overcoming the Obstacles to the Cure
New Repertories
The Double Remedy Experiments of 1833
Aegidi’s Method
Hahnemann Changes His Position
Double Remedies Rejected in the 5th Organon
The Innovations of the 5th Organon (1833)
The Vital Force in the 5th Edition
Hahnemann Embraces the High Potencies
The Centesimal Notations
Causation in the Introduction of the Organon
Farming and Animal Husbandry
The Age of Exploration
The Industrial Revolution
The Scientific Revolution
The Military-Industrial Complex
The Medical-Industrial Complex
Environmental Degradation and Climate Change
The Medicine of the Future
New Case Management Procedures
The Middle Path
Alternations and Intercurrents
Hahnemann’s German Casebook D38 (1833–1835)
Chapter 5 : The Early Paris Epoch (1835–1839)
A New Paradigm
The Marriage of Melanie and Samuel Hahnemann
The Founder’s Health in Paris
The Medicinal Solution in DF-2 (1835–1836)
The Paris Edition of The Chronic Diseases (1837)
Hahnemann’s Use of the High Potencies
Preparation of the Medicinal Solution
The Size of the Dose
Succussing the Second Bottle
Dropper Bottle Solutions
Case Management in the 5th Organon
Is Aggravation Necessary?
How to Prevent Aggravation
How to Manage Aggravations
A Case from Hahnemann’s Journal (1837–1838)
Sulphur, Fire and Brimstone
Subsequent Prescriptions
Hahnemann Muddles his Case
Regularizing the Vital Force
The Final Consultation
Sulphur and Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum in the Paris Casebooks
The Limit Breaker
Chapter 6 : Hering’s Contributions
Miasms and Nosodes
Hering’s Revolutionary Methods
Nosodes as a Genus Family
Characteristics of the Nosode Genus
Never Well Since Typhoid
Johann Wilhelm Lux and Isopathy
Hahnemann and the Auto-nosodes
Chapter 7 : Jenichen’s High Potencies
Every Year Higher
Master of Horse
Rentsch and the British Journal of Homœopathy
Hering and the German Sources
Boenninghausen on Jenichen’s High Potencies
Jenichen’s Legacy
Chapter 8 : The Homœopathy of the 1840s
The 6th Organon
New Pharmaceutical Experiments
Hahnemann Communicates his Discoveries
Hahnemann as a Chemist
Weights and Measures
Sundries and Pharmaceutical Preparations
The Paris Casebooks
The Records of Hahnemann’s Cases
Samuel and Melanie’s Handwriting
The Prescriptions
Repertorization and Rubrics
Collections of Rubrics in Cases
Collections of Rubric Examples
Hahnemann’s Materia Medica
Hahnemann’s Remedy Chests
Roman Centesimal Notations
Arabic Centesimal Notations
Mysterious Notations
Alternations, Intercurrents and Tandem Remedies
LM Prescriptions in the Paris Casebooks
Criteria for Fifty-Millesimal Notations
The Works of Ubiratan and Maristela Adler
The Search for Early LM Prescriptions
Adlers’ Proposed LM Case in 1837
Adlers’ Proposed LM Cases in 1838
Adlers’ Proposed LM Cases in 1839
LM Prescriptions in 1840
The Final Refinements
Chapter 9 : Hahnemann’s Case Management in Paris
Following in the Founder’s Footsteps
Boenninghausen’s and Lehrmann’s 200th
Letter Case from Hahnemann’s 1843 Journals
Doctor Croserio’s Letter
Confronting the Miasms
Anti-Miasmic and Chronic Remedies (Madame Bonnar)
Chief Remedy and Chronic Intercurrent (Baby Victoria)
Acute Intercurrents for Crisis (Augustine Regnard)
Alternations (Madame Gardy)
Acute Disorders During Chronic Treatment (Adele Sanson)
Removing Aggravations and Accessory Symptoms (Tony Conte)
Calming Crisis During Chronic Treatment (Madame Chagnon)
Hahnemann’s Anti-Miasmatic Remedies
Chapter 10 : The Case of Robert Everest
Hahnemann’s Final Cases
The First Prescription, Sulphur 0/1
Hahnemann Raises the Potency to 0/2
The Use of Placebo
Hahnemann Raises the Potency to 0/3
Waiting and Watching
Repertory Insertions and Sulphur 0/4
New Causation and Symptoms — Cannabis
A Series of Placebos
Thuja by Olfaction followed by Placebos
Mercury by Olfaction
Thuja 0/1 in Medicinal Solution
Thuja 0/2 Followed by Placebos
Mercury 0/1 Followed by Placebos
A Synthetic Prescription
Placebo and a NB Symptom
The Return to Sulphur
Aurum 30C Followed by Placebo
The Patient Leaves for the West Indies with Nux Vomica
Chapter 11 : The Aftermath
The End of the Story
Samuel’s Passing
Melanie Hahnemann and the 6th Organon
Melanie and the Boenninghausen Family
Further Negotiations
Melanie’s Contribution
The Disinterment and Reburial of Samuel and Melanie Hahnemann
The 6th Organon Sees the Light of Day
Clarifying Hahnemann’s Legacy
Deciphering the Paris Casebooks
Posology Questions
The Size of the Dose
Integrating the 4th, 5th and 6th Organon
Chapter 12 : History of Mechanized Potentizers
Dr Mure’s Potentizing Machines
Early Works and Philosophy
Mure’s Potentizers
The Paris Institute
Mission in Brazil
Sojourn in Africa
Dunham’s Oil Mill Potentizer
The Power of Succussions
Fincke’s Fluxion Potentizer
A New Method
The Ebullient Fluxion Potentizer
The Scaturient Fluxion Potentizer
Description of the Scaturient Fluxion Potentizer
Fincke’s Fluxion Process
Boericke’s Potentizer
Boericke and Tafel Inc.
Swan’s Fluxion Potentizer
Nosodes and Miasms
Swan’s Potencies
Lesser-Known Remedies and Imponderabilia
Skinner’s Centesimal Fluxion Attenuator
Dilutions not Succussions
Skinner’s Potentization Proccess
Boericke and Tafel’s Skinner Machines
The Burdick Potentizer
Centesimal Fluxion Remedies
Santee’s Gravity Potentizer
Santee and Nash’s High Potencies
Kent’s Potentizer
Dilutions and Succussions
H. C. Allen’s Continuous Fluxion Potentizer
Ultra-High Potencies
The Quinn Potentizer
Hahnemann Laboratories
The Labotics K-Tronic Potentizer
Fully Automated Systems
The Pinkus Potentizer
Ainsworth Pharmacy
The Helios K-Potentizer
Helios Homœopathic Pharmacy
The Remedia Potentizers
Salvator Pharmacy and Remedia Homœopathy
Homœopathic Pharmaceutical Standards
How Are Your Remedies Made?
Part 2 : Homœopathic Philosophy
Chapter 13 : The Homœopathic Decalogue
The Ten Vital Principles
The Key Elements
1. Dynamism
Pathogen, Ponos and Pathos
2. Similia Similibus Curentur
3. Proven Remedies
4. The Single Remedy
5. The Minimal Dose
The Kentian Dose
6. The Potentized Remedies
7. Individualized Disease Treatment
8. Treatment of Collective Diseases and Chronic Miasms
9. The Suppression Syndrome
10. The Laws of Natural Healing
Chapter 14 : Hahnemann’s Biomedical Model
The Lebenskraft, the Vigor Vitae
The Vitalist Paradigm
Seven Steps to Cure
The Cardinal Principles
The Dynamis
The Vital Principle
In Search of the Vital Force
The Consciousness Principle
The Functions of the Vital Force
Confusion Comes from Misunderstanding
Disease is a Mistunement of the Vital Force
Similia Similibus Curentur
The Nervous System and the Vital Force
The Remedy Replaces the Natural Disease (Primary Action)
The Action-Reaction Model (Secondary Curative Action)
The Return of Health and Vitality
The Homœopathic Way
Chapter 15 : The Laws of Natural Healing
Similar and Dissimilar Diseases
Dissimilar Diseases
Strong Repels the Weak
New Suspends the Old
Complex Disease
The Layers in Homœopathy
Similar Diseases Cure
Primary and Secondary Action
Primary and Curative Effect
Initial Action
The Secondary Action
Examples of Opposing Secondary Actions
Curative Secondary Action
When Palliation is Useful
Completing the Cure
How Painkillers, Sedatives and Tranquilizers Work
Hahnemann’s Summation
Hahnemann’s Direction of Cure and Hering’s Laws
How Homœopathic Healing Takes Place
Hahnemann on the Direction of Cure
Hering’s Observations
Misunderstanding the Direction of Cure
Kent on Hering’s Laws
Chapter 16 : Acute, Half-acute and Chronic Disease
The Study of Acute Diseases
Crisis and Acute States
Investigation of Acute Diseases
Individual Acute Diseases
Sporadic Acute Diseases
Epidemic Acute Miasms
The Half-Acute Miasms
Kent on Acute and Chronic Diseases
When Not to Use the Constitutional Remedy
An Acute Case History
The Chronic Diseases in the Organon
Aphorism 74
Iatrogenic Diseases
The Vigor Vitae in Iatrogenic Diseases
Homœopathic Treatment of Side-effects
Man-Made Diseases and the Environment
Pseudo-Chronic Disease States
Degenerative Diseases Not Based on Miasms (§77)
Potentially Avoidable Maintaining Causes
Harmful Food and Drink
Diet and Constitution
Prolonged Deprivation
Unhealthy Living and Working Places
Lack of Exercise and Open Air
Excessive Mental or Bodily Exertions
Constant Mental and Emotional Stress
The Chronic Miasms
Chronic Diseases and Miasms
Venereal Diseases
The Proliferation of Psora
A Kind of Disease
Thoughts on the Miasms
The Relationship of Remedies
Acute and Chronic Medicines
Acute and Chronic Complements
Chapter 17 : The Prevention and Treatment of Epidemics
Infectious Miasms
Collective Diseases
Genus Epidemicus Remedies
Boenninghausen’s Group Anamnesis of Typhoid
Hahnemann on Homœoprophylaxis
Boenninghausen on Homœoprophylaxis
Three Methods of Homœoprophylaxis
Testimony of Experienced Homœopaths
Posology and Case Management
Remedies for Specific Homœoprophylaxis
Administering the Preventative Remedy
A Review of the Signs after Administration
Homœoprophylaxis, The Medical Advance, May, 1904