Testimonials & Reviews
Book Review On Hpathy.com
We are very excited to have our first book review published in the Hpathy Ezine magazine in the current August issue. A special thanks to Dr. Joseph Rozencwajg, MD, PhD, NMD, for writing the review. Many thanks to the editors Katja Schutt Alan V. Schmukler and Manish Bhatia for their help and support.


Website: http://planete-homeo.org
I’m very happy and pleased to put a few words aout the long awaited titanic work of my admired friend and master David. My only thought now is, what remains to publish in homoeopathy? So complete is his masterpiece. I’m not afraid to say that I have read all our classical books, and as teacher and author myself I feel authorized to warn the reader that they have in their hands the most complete book ever written about Homoeopathy.
One cannot call himself a homoeopath as long as he / she hasn’t deeply studied the basics, ie, the Organon, and fully mastered the development of our art by our Master. Full knowledge of our history is part of this great picture too. Only with this understanding, deeply rooted into every cell one can then study the art of prescribing, and the materia medica. All these topics are brilliantly covered by David. Thank you so much for offering to the community this life work. With love, Ed
I am so impressed!!! I immediately sat down and started reading. It was hard to pull myself away. Every book is so beautifully and clearly written. The compendium is now my most treasured go-to source for homeopathic information of every kind.
Thank you for your many years of work in bringing this huge project to fruition.

Website: http://naturamedica.co.nz
What a monumental work! And not just by the sheer space it occupies on the shelf. We have here a simple and clear but also as complete as possible distillation of the history, philosophy, major notions and techniques of homeopathy as developed by Hahnemann, his students and his followers. It encompasses only the notions that have been experimented with and used for generations, leaving aside hypotheses and variations that might or might not become mainstream when better understood.
This compendium is the foundation of the correct practice of homeopathy. It should become the basis for each and every student in each and every college, no questions asked. One problem: it is addictive!

Website: www.canadianhomeopathicinstitute.com
"Selected as an one of the official textbooks for our program at the Ottawa College of Homeopathy."
My name is Mokhtar Akbari, I am a homeopath, teacher and school administrator at the Ottawa College of Homeopathy in Canada. In the last few years I have been revisiting the foundations of Homeopathy and I happened to fall upon a little gem. The book is a 6 volume work called The Homeopathic Compendium by David Little. During my studies as a homeopath, one of the things I found the most difficult is to get an understanding of the wide array of homeopathic practice and teachings. There have been so many great old masters each with their works and it boggles the mind to try to make sense of where to start and who to read. Also, many of the older philosophy books are written in older English which makes them inaccessible to read for some. What is unique about this textbook is that it has a very good summary of the progression and history of homeopathy and homeopathic philosophy throughout Hahnemann’s Life and also throughout the life of many of the old masters of homeopathy. These are the pioneers that established the guidelines upon which our practice is based today. The book gives an accurate description of the philosophy contributions of all of the older master like Lippe, Hering, Roberts, Kent, Boger, Boenninghausen, and many others. It also explains their methods of practice and how they agree or differ from one another. The level of academia in these books is truly remarkable. David Little studied all of the case books of Hahnemann in depth and helped me for the first time to understand Hahnemann’s teachings in a deeper way. And this in turn helped me to better understand some of the more contemporary methods in homeopathy.
No book is perfect and the textbook is maybe too detailed in some sections, but overall, I have found it to the the best textbook out there to rigorously teach students the basics of homeopathic practice. It comes with a Materia Medica and I have also find it to be logical and inclusive of most homeopathic methods. In any case, what matters truly is that no matter which particular “school” or “method” of homeopathy we prefer, I think we all recognize that it is crucial for homeopaths to have a solid understanding of the basics of homeopathy. This is the foundation of everything else we build for the improvement of this science. This book lifted a cloud from my head in terms of much of the confusion surrounding different aspects of homeopathic practice such as miasms, different types of repertories and repertorization techniques, case management, the differences between the 5th and 6th Organon and how this impacts practice today, and many other subjects.
I cannot say that i agree with all of the ideas and teachings contained in this book as its scope is immense, and I will tend to disagree with some part or the other of any homeopathy textbook which I read. But overall, when you look at the totality of the textbook, it is a true gem and I hope it will reach the entirety of the worldwide homeopathic community. We have adopted it as one of our official textbooks for our program at the Ottawa College of Homeopathy and I believe that it will become a standard textbook in the teaching of homeopathy in the future. All homeopathy students and most homeopaths will find within its pages new items of learning that will help to advance their understanding and practice of the science of homeopathy.
Sincerely, Mokhtar Akbari, Homeopath
Ottawa College of Homeopathy, Ottawa, Canada

It’s my privilege to go through this monumental work par excellence from renowned homeopathic educator David Little. David Little has left no stone unturned to unravel the complete science of Homeopathy in the most comprehensive commentary I have ever come across. The content of this work is unparalleled and of the highest standard. It covers all the critical nuances of Homeopathy. I would suggest this work for all the Homeopathic students, physicians, and admirers of this wonderful healing science.
The true concept of ‘ Less is More ‘ got a little clearer to me, only after my initial interaction with David Little. I had been practicing for several years when I first met him, and until then, even though there were fleeting moments of success in practice, it was from the mere eyes of a homeopath. David made me think and dare, to be a Healer.
Case taking requires inductive logic, keen insights, skilful navigation, unsurmountable patience, and a strong grasp of the basic tools required to prescribe and manage an acute crisis, or a chronic case. This I have mainly learned from David’s writings. Now I have the Compendium !Thanks for this great gift for the homeopathic community.
I just bought the books of Dr David Little and in less then two weeks I completed reading around 200 pages on Jung psychology and 100 pages on history of medicine. All I can say is the book is fabulous for serious minded homoeopath.
Just like to say that a group of six of us got together to purchase the Compendium to alleviate the cost. We are now all sharing the volumes every two months. Conclusion so far, excellent, every meeting we come to on a monthly basis we are buzzing with excitement about some aspect of the book we are in the process of reading/studying. Secondly we are now putting funds together to continue purchasing copies until we each own our own copy. That speaks volumes (haha) Thank you Little family et all for all your hard work. I assure you it was all worthwhile today and for the future. We will further review in more detail after finishing reading and discussing.

Thank you so much for such an amazing collection of books on homoeopathy. They are by far the best, most thorough, deeply-researched books I have ever read on the subject. I really appreciate the clear, straight-forward, lucid writing style and the logical, carefully-planned chapters. The depth, breadth and scope of information is remarkable. Every aspect is covered – history, philosophy, miasms, posology, case-taking, materia medica, case management, psychology…. I think the Compendium should be on the compulsory reading-list of anyone studying classical homoeopathy. Thank you again for your wisdom, dedication and commitment in bringing such a complete, meticulous set of books to light.

Website: http://vithoulkashomeopathy.com/lb/
The homeopathic compendium is a very knowledgeable and informative reference written in a wonderful style. Recommended for homeopaths and homeopathic students.
While I was learning homeopathy, I come across with Homeopathic Online Education (HOE) course at simillimum.com. My knowledge of homeopathy dramatically improved. After I have finished my study, I have written two books in Turkish and all the readers greatly appreciated the content. This is because there is all the correct key information in them, significantly originated from HOE. The Compendium is so much more improved than the earlier HOE texts. Purchasing Compendium will be the best thing you are going to do for your homeopathy career and for your patients’ wellness. I am so grateful to David Little and his family for making such valuable information available to homeopathic community.

When Adam ate from the apple of knowledge, then the apple was not whole anymore, so he fell from The Garden of Eden.
This most important book of modern history reviews and sets the principles on how to restore health through wholeness. Written with the inspiration of a true teacher and to the philosophical detail derived from and as continuation of Samuel Hahnemanns works, the book can literally be considered the Seventh Organon.
It is a MUST HAVE for all good homoeopaths , good scientists open to new surprising horizons, and not the last, for anyone interested in the healing arts! The books sets an unprecedented standard to be one stop reference point especially for the healing art of Homoeopathy, from the Hippocratic vitalist dream to sustainable modern times healing principles that can be used for nothing more or less than our own evolution.
This is exceptional information and I am so pleased with my purchase. I am reading it on my tablet while on my freestride exercising, on my pc at the office, and on my phone while waiting in line. I can’t put it down.

Website : www.homeopatiaonline.net
This work is a huge contribution to our profession, being loyal to the very best standards of Classical Homeopathy.

Aloha! I have been a lay student of Homeopathy for several years now and I am absolutely thrilled to read through David Little’s Compendium. He has a very clear and simple way of explaining difficult to understand subjects I have learned already so much more than I have ever learned in other courses I have taken before. I highly recommend these books to anybody who wants to learn more about homeopathy. Thank you so much David Little!
Homeopathic Compendium is not just a splendid book, but it is a spectacular one … It can only be described as a labor of love, a fastidiously researched and profusely illustrated account of the history of Hahnemann, Homeopathy and application of it with Materia Medica and repertory…
It’s a wonderful book … a gap in our history now superbly covered. A Tradition of Excellence is a well-researched, well-written, beautifully illustrated book to delight all those who have, for senior readers, it will bring back some stirring memories of all the stalwarts who contributed to uplift the homeopathic science. For younger readers, it will be an opportunity to delve into the past to see how Homeopathy evolved through the efforts of all masters’ excellence …
We know that Dr. David Little took more than 30 years to write it and publish it but the lengthy gestation period was worth the wait and the result is spectacular. Lots of Love to David Sir, Keep showering your blessings on students like me.

I want to say how much I am impressed by David Little’s Compendium, it is not a rehash of his online course. It is impossible to put down once you get over the sheer volume of the Compendium. Interesting does not due it justice, thank you David Little for the long awaited Compendium. I am still on the first volume, this is not a quick read, it is too in depth and riveting, I want to soak it all in. I also want to mention the packaging, I have seen fine china not as protected! Rest assured your volumes will arrive in perfect shape, even through a typhoon.
Again, Thank you David Little and all involved in seeing this Compendium to print.