Compendium Overview
The Homoeopathic Compendium offers an extensive study of classical and modern approaches to homoeopathy which provides an excellent foundation for medical practice. The series covers a wide range of subjects, described in detail and with a deep insight into homeopathic principles. This innovative work restores important lost teachings and explains unusual aspects of the healing arts with a wealth of rare information.
This is a significant new publication in the field of homoeopathic education and a valuable resource for every homoeopathic library. It is the longest and most complete commentary of its kind. The six volumes in the series cover all the important aspects of the practice of Homoeopathy. The work is an attempt to fill in the lacunas in our present day understanding of Hahnemann’s teachings and is designed to bring the material up to date for the 21st century.

Available in Hardcover and Ebook
French Translation Available
Volume I & II
The first two volumes are inspired by the teachings found in the aphorisms of the Organon. The commentary clarifies all the philosophy and cardinal principles of Homœopathy and explains how to apply the methods of the healing art in a clinical environment.
Volume I : History and Philosophy
Volume II : Repertory and Case Management
Volume III & IV
These works present a two-part study based on Hahnemann’s Chronic Diseases. They describe a series of eight chronic miasms from psora to AIDS and the cancer diathesis, with studies of leading anti-miasmic remedies. This brings Hahnemann’s work up to date for our times.
Volume III : Psora and Anti-Psoric Treatment
Volume IV : Chronic Miasms and Cancer
Volume V & VI
The theme in these volumes is the constitutional and psychological approach to Homoeopathy. The studies in both books emphasize the holistic nature of the mind-body relationship. This view leads to a deeper understanding of individual patients and provides an insight into our unique homoeopathic remedies.
Volume V : Constitution, Temperament and Maps of Consciousness
Volume VI : Materia Medica of Psyche and Soma

Book Review On
We are very excited to have our first book review published in the Hpathy Ezine magazine in the current August issue. A special thanks to Dr. Joseph Rozencwajg, MD, PhD, NMD, for writing the review. Many thanks to the editors Katja Schutt Alan V. Schmukler and Manish Bhatia for their help and support the whole Little family appreciates it.

Aloha! I have been a lay student of Homeopathy for several years now and I am absolutely thrilled to read through David Little’s Compendium. He has a very clear and simple way of explaining difficult to understand subjects I have learned already so much more than I have ever learned in other courses I have taken before. I highly recommend these books to anybody who wants to learn more about homeopathy. Thank you so much David Little!

This work is a huge contribution to our profession, being loyal to the very best standards of Classical Homeopathy.

This is exceptional information and I am so pleased with my purchase. I am reading it on my tablet while on my freestride exercising, on my pc at the office, and on my phone while waiting in line. I can’t put it down.

While I was learning homeopathy, I come across with Homeopathic Online Education (HOE) course at My knowledge of homeopathy dramatically improved. After I have finished my study, I have written two books in Turkish and all the readers greatly appreciated the content. This is because there is all the correct key information in them, significantly originated from HOE. The Compendium is so much more improved than the earlier HOE texts. Purchasing Compendium will be the best thing you are going to do for your homeopathy career and for your patients’ wellness. I am so grateful to David Little and his family for making such valuable information available to homeopathic community.

Thank you so much for such an amazing collection of books on homoeopathy. They are by far the best, most thorough, deeply-researched books I have ever read on the subject. I really appreciate the clear, straight-forward, lucid writing style and the logical, carefully-planned chapters. The depth, breadth and scope of information is remarkable. Every aspect is covered – history, philosophy, miasms, posology, case-taking, materia medica, case management, psychology…. I think the Compendium should be on the compulsory reading-list of anyone studying classical homoeopathy. Thank you again for your wisdom, dedication and commitment in bringing such a complete, meticulous set of books to light.

Just like to say that a group of six of us got together to purchase the Compendium to alleviate the cost. We are now all sharing the volumes every two months. Conclusion so far, excellent, every meeting we come to on a monthly basis we are buzzing with excitement about some aspect of the book we are in the process of reading/studying. Secondly we are now putting funds together to continue purchasing copies until we each own our own copy. That speaks volumes (haha) Thank you Little family et all for all your hard work. I assure you it was all worthwhile today and for the future. We will further review in more detail after finishing reading and discussing.

The true concept of ‘ Less is More ‘ got a little clearer to me, only after my initial interaction with David Little. I had been practicing for several years when I first met him, and until then, even though there were fleeting moments of success in practice, it was from the mere eyes of a homeopath. David made me think and dare, to be a Healer.
Case taking requires inductive logic, keen insights, skilful navigation, unsurmountable patience, and a strong grasp of the basic tools required to prescribe and manage an acute crisis, or a chronic case. This I have mainly learned from David’s writings. Now I have the Compendium !Thanks for this great gift for the homeopathic community.

It’s my privilege to go through this monumental work par excellence from renowned homeopathic educator David Little. David Little has left no stone unturned to unravel the complete science of Homeopathy in the most comprehensive commentary I have ever come across. The content of this work is unparalleled and of the highest standard. It covers all the critical nuances of Homeopathy. I would suggest this work for all the Homeopathic students, physicians, and admirers of this wonderful healing science.

What a monumental work! And not just by the sheer space it occupies on the shelf. We have here a simple and clear but also as complete as possible distillation of the history, philosophy, major notions and techniques of homeopathy as developed by Hahnemann, his students and his followers. It encompasses only the notions that have been experimented with and used for generations, leaving aside hypotheses and variations that might or might not become mainstream when better understood.
This compendium is the foundation of the correct practice of homeopathy. It should become the basis for each and every student in each and every college, no questions asked. One problem: it is addictive!

I am so impressed!!! I immediately sat down and started reading. It was hard to pull myself away. Every book is so beautifully and clearly written. The compendium is now my most treasured go-to source for homeopathic information of every kind.
Thank you for your many years of work in bringing this huge project to fruition.

I’m very happy and pleased to put a few words aout the long awaited titanic work of my admired friend and master David. My only thought now is, what remains to publish in homoeopathy? So complete is his masterpiece. I’m not afraid to say that I have read all our classical books, and as teacher and author myself I feel authorized to warn the reader that they have in their hands the most complete book ever written about Homoeopathy.
One cannot call himself a homoeopath as long as he / she hasn’t deeply studied the basics, ie, the Organon, and fully mastered the development of our art by our Master. Full knowledge of our history is part of this great picture too. Only with this understanding, deeply rooted into every cell one can then study the art of prescribing, and the materia medica. All these topics are brilliantly covered by David. Thank you so much for offering to the community this life work. With love, Ed