New Article By David Little
Homoeopathic Treatment of
Smoke and Fire
Due to climate change and increasing population, more and more human beings are being exposed to the effects of wildfires and their attendant health risks. This article focuses on the treatment of burns, smoke inhalation, toxic exposures and mental trauma associated with fire.
Little Talks Podcasts
David Little presents a new series of podcasts on homeopathy based on his 50 years of experience. Our goal is to contribute to education in homeopathy and the complementary healing arts.
34 Mins | September 10th, 2022
Episode: 1
Q and A with David Little
We hope you enjoy our first episode of Q and A. These questions were asked during David Little's interview with Kim Elia on Whole Health Now. The subjects include remedy actions, the C and L-M (Q) potency and case management.
Full Interview with David Little on Whole Health Now
Special Episode
85 Mins | August 28th, 2022
Episode: 7
Hahnemann's Advanced Methods
Posology and Case Management
In the final episode of this series of podcasts, David explains Hahnemann's Advanced Methods and the art of posology and case management. This middle path approach focuses on the 5th and 6th Organon and the proper method of using the single dose and the repetition of the remedy to speed the cure. We discuss the use of the Centesimal and 50 Millesimal potency in the medicinal solution and the split dose. This discourse covers the 5 vital principles and the 5 remedy reactions with their countermeasures to regularize the vital force. These first principles offer a unified field theory that makes Homeopathy the Medicine of the Future.
The Homoeopathic Compendium

David Little is the author of The Homoeopathic Compendium. He is known worldwide for his teachings on Hahnemann's Advanced Methods.
This website offers full details of the themes, structure and contents of the six volumes. You can read selected extracts including the Introduction, Prefaces, Table of Contents, Chapter Summaries as well as Free Chapters.
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Ebook & Hardcover
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French Translation Available
If you wish to purchase the Compendium in India, for a special discount offer please contact: David Jr Email:|Phone & Whatsapp: 98161 83438

Upcoming Seminars
This course is scheduled for 2023. Please sign up if you are interested and we will keep you updated.
The homoeopathic healing arts require many years of study and experience. Whether you are a student or an advanced practitioner, The Homoeopathic Compendium will open up exciting new possibilities and greatly enrich your understanding and practice of Homoeopathy.
David Little
David Little was born in the USA in 1948 and has been a student of Homœopathy since the early 1970s. His first teacher was the late, great Dr. Manning Strahl and he was a colleague of the late Dr. Harimohan Choudhury. He has studied Homoeopathy in the USA and India.